About diagrams

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

toolbar. Diagram types include Cycle, Target, Radial, Venn, and Pyramid. Use the diagrams to illustrate various conceptual material and enliven documents and presentations (diagrams are not numerically based).

Diagram with drawing canvas

Callout 1 Diagram (radial type)

Callout 2 Diagram toolbar

Callout 3 Drawing sizing handle

Callout 4 Drawing border

When you add or change a diagram, the diagram appears with drawing space around it, outlined by a non-printing border and sizing handles. You can size the diagram by using sizing commands to make the drawing area larger so you have more room to work, or you can get rid of extra space by fitting the border more closely to the diagram.

Format the entire diagram with preset styles; or, format pieces of it like you format shapes— add color and text, change line weight and style, and add fills, textures, and backgrounds. Use the Diagram toolbar that appears with your diagram to add elements or segments and to move them forward or backward.

You can also animate a diagram to direct focus to different pieces of a diagram and control the flow of information during a presentation.


Flowcharts (or flow diagrams) can be created using a combination of AutoShapes on the Drawing toolbar, including flowchart shapes and connectors.

Flowchart shapes and connectors

Callout 1 Connectors that are available

Callout 2 Some flowchart shapes that are available