Create a presentation using blank slides

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

  • On the Standard toolbar, click New Button image.
  • If you want to keep the default title layout for the first slide, go to step 3. If you want a different layout for the first slide, in the Slide Layout task pane, click the layout you want.
  • On the slide or on the Outline tab, type the text you want.
  • To insert a new slide, on the toolbar, click New Slide Button image, and click the layout you want.
  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each new slide, and add any other design elements or effects you want.
  • When you finish, on the File menu, click Save, type a name for your presentation, and then click Save.
  • ShowTip

    You can also create a blank presentation in the New Presentation task pane (File menu, New command).