Resize a picture or shape

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

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Resize a picture or shape

  1. Click the picture, AutoShape, or WordArt that you want to resize.
  2. Do one of the following:

    ShowResize manually

    1. Position the mouse pointer over one of the sizing handles.
    2. To increase or decrease the size in one or more directions, drag the mouse away from or toward the center, while doing one of the following:
      • To keep the center of an object in the same place, hold down CTRL while dragging the mouse.
      • To maintain the object's proportions, hold down SHIFT while dragging the mouse.
      • To maintain the proportions while keeping the center in the same place, hold down CTRL and SHIFT while dragging the mouse.

      Release the mouse, and then release CTRL or SHIFT.

    ShowResize to an exact height and width

    1. On the Format menu, click AutoShape or Picture.
    2. On the Size tab, under Size and rotate, enter measurements for the height and width of the object.

    ShowResize to an exact proportion

    1. On the Format menu, click AutoShape or Picture, and then click the Size tab.
    2. Under Scale, type the percentage of the width or height you want.


    To turn off or turn on the settings for grid and guides, hold down ALT while you drag the mouse.