8.1.4 SuperServer
Use the LANSA SuperServer installation options to configure your application to automatically connect to a server at run time. You do not need to specify these options if you are using the LANSA SuperServer Built-In Functions in your application.
LANSA SuperServer Built-In Functions include DEFINE_OS_400_SERVER, CONNECT_SERVER and CONNECT_FILE.
Server Type (PSTY and DBID)
If you are using the PSXX parameters, specify the Server Type you wish to connect to.
None - You are not using the PSXX parameters.
RDMLX IBM i - You are connecting to an IBM i server with LANSA enabled for RDMLX. This sets PSTY and DBID to *ANY.
IBM i - You are connecting to an IBM i server. This sets PSTY and DBID to *AS400.
Non-IBM i - You are connecting to a server other than an IBM i (e.g., Windows Server). This sets PSTY and DBID to *OTHER.
Default: [None]
If Non-IBM i is selected you may need to set the values for Server Exceptional Arguments.
Server Name (PSLU)
Default: [None]
The name of the server you wish to connect to as defined in LANSA Communications Administrator. A corresponding entry should exist in the LANSA Communications Administration table (lroute.dat).
User for Server (PSUS)
Default: [User]
You do not need to specify this option if the value is the same as the LANSA User.
Password for Server (PSPW)
Default: [None]
If PSPW is only being used to specify the default password for the CONNECT_SERVER Built-In Function do not specify it here. Add the parameter via the X_RUN Arguments dialog.
For details of all the following options, refer to the PSXX= Parameter in the Technical Reference.
Server Exceptional Arguments (PSEA)
Default: [None]
Use Commitment Control (PSCC)
Default: [None]
DBCS Capable (PSDB)
Default: [None]
Divert Locks (PSDL)
Default: [None]
Show Please Wait Message (PSWM)
Default: [None]
Server Execution priority (PSEP)
Default: [None]
Client to Server Table (PSCT)
Default: [None]
Server to Client Table (PSST)
Default: [None]
Server Trusted Connection (PSTC)
Yes – Use Kerberos Authentication when calling the CONNECT_SERVER Built-In Function.
No – Do not use Kerberos Authentication when calling the CONNECT_SERVER Built-In Function.
Default: No