7 Versions and Patches

LANSA Deployment Tool

7. Versions and Patches

Before you select the objects and specify the settings and options for a Package, you must first create one by specifying the name and description (as a minimum).

From the Package menu on the Deployment Tool's main window, you can:

7.1 Create a Version

7.2 Create a Patch

7.3 Open a Package

7.4 Delete a Package

7.7 Check a Version or Patch

7.8 Build a Version or Patch

Check the 7.8.1 Package Build Log

7.9 Package Distributed

Additional options are available when the Package is open for editing or review, including:

7.6 Save a Package

Save a package as a template as shown in Create a Deployment Template.


Other 8. Options & Settings, to allow for the configuration of the Package.