Step 4 Modify the Browser Component II_BRWSR

LANSA Deployment Tool

Step 4. Modify the Browser Component (II_BRWSR)

DTE030 – Modify the Employees Application

1.  Open your version of the II_BRWSR reusable part in the editor.

2.  Comment out the following two lines which define the tree view columns:

Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TVCL) Name(#TVCL_STARTDTER) Displayposition(10) Level(2) Parent(#Tree) Sortonclick(True) Source(#STARTDTER) Width(30) Widthtype(Fixed)

Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TVCL) Name(#TVCL_TERMDATER) Displayposition(11) Level(2) Parent(#Tree) Sortonclick(True) Source(#TERMDATER) Width(30) Widthtype(Fixed)


3.  Comment out the following two lines from the AssignColumnData method routine:




4.  Recompile the II_BRWSR component.