8 2 3 Cross Reference Settings

LANSA Deployment Tool

8.2.3 Cross Reference Settings

Cross Reference Settings are available in the Select Repository Objects dialog for object types that may refer to other LANSA objects in their definition. This allows you to select a particular object type and automatically include "related" objects when the package is built.

If Cross References is available for an object type, the Cross Reference Icon will be shown on the toolbar for the Selected Object panel in the Select Repository Objects dialog.

When the Cross Reference icon is clicked, the Cross Reference settings dialog is opened.

The package objects selected to have Cross References applied against them are displayed on the left of the Cross reference settings dialog.  The available Cross Reference object types are listed on the right of the dialog.  Cross Referenced objects are included in the package during build processing and are applied in a top down fashion.  That is to say, only objects directly used by the selected package objects can be included in the package using Cross Reference settings.

If the selected objects already have Cross Reference settings applied, the checkboxes will attempt to reflect the settings. Where there is a conflict, that is, a cross reference object type is selected for one object, and the same cross reference object type is not selected for the other object, the Cross Reference checkbox will be grayed.

In addition to the selection of object types associated with the selected object(s) you can:

Include File Data

If Files are available for inclusion as a Cross Reference object, the option to Include File Data will also be available.  This option has no effect if the Files option has not been selected.

It is recommended to not use this option unless you have a clear understand of the consequences.  Selecting Include File Data will include file data in the first Version as well as any subsequent Versions and Patches and as such may produce undesirable results.  If file data should be included in the application it is recommended to explicitly add the file(s) to the package and select the appropriate file data inclusion option.  Generally file data is not included with application files and in the case of table files data will only be included in the first version when setting up the database.  Subsequent releases of the Application will need to be reviewed to ensure the appropriate file data option is applied.

If you do choose to use this option it is the equivalent of selecting Include Data, Ignore Duplicates in the object selection interface.

Cascade Selection

Cascading Selection causes a flow-on effect such that any object included as a Cross Referenced object will also have its cross referenced object included.

If in the Deployment Tool's Default Cross Reference Settings you selected:

     Prompt Options

     The Cross References dialog will be automatically shown when you press OK on the Select Repository Objects after adding objects. If you selected to Prompt Options for more than one object type, e.g. Fields and Files, the Cross Reference options will be prompted once per object type. In each Cross Reference dialog press OK to accept whatever settings you have chosen and to apply them to all of the objects displayed on the left hand side. Press Cancel to leave the dialog without applying Cross References to the objects.

     Automatically apply the default options

     When object are selected for inclusion in the package in the Select Repository object dialog and you press OK to confirm the selection, Cross Reference information is immediately applied to the object. When you deselect an object (that is, delete it from the selected objects using the Delete icon) any associated Cross References are also removed.

     Once Cross References have been applied to an object, it will be shown in the Object Selection dialog with a blue tick.

Cross Referenced objects are evaluated when the package is built.  Objects included in a package as cross referenced objects can be distinguished from explicitly selected objects so that the next time the package is opened the selected objects are the same.

Refer to Default Cross Reference Settings and Objects Included in Package for more information.