12 4 Target PCs and the Client Application

LANSA Deployment Tool

12.4 Target PCs and the Client Application

The LANSA Application installed on each Target PC is essentially the same as any other Client Application except it includes a reference for the Application Server.

Connecting to an Application Server

The connection to an application server is generally accomplished using the X_RUN ASXX parameters. These parameters work identically to the PSXX parameters, as described in The PSXX= Parameter in the Technical Reference.

The SSN (Symbolic Server Name) used when automatically connecting is always *APPSERVER. This value cannot be changed. Generally, only the ASLU and ASPW parameters need to be defined. Refer to Just in Time Options for more information.

SuperServer applications may connect to an Application Server (via the ASXX parameters) as well as their normal server (via Built-In Functions or the PSXX parameters). Alternatively, SuperServer applications may use their normal server as an Application Server. Where more than one server connection is started via an INIT function, the first connection is used as the Application Server.

  Important: If ASXX parameters are used to connect to the Application Server it is necessary to have *.XQ* files on the Application Server. Refer to The .XQ* Files in the Technical Reference for details.

Refer also to Connect to the Required Server.

Downloading Packages to the Target PC

When a Deployment Tool Package is installed on the Target PC the same directory structure mirrors the Application Server, that is the directory structure is created like:

<sysdir>\x_apps\[Client App Name]\

When the Application is launched on the Target PC:

  • A connection to the Application Server is established
  • The Windows Installer GUID of the current application is queried for its current state – which Package and Patches are installed, and this is sent to the Application Server to determine if there is a later MSI available (only the latest available is used), and if not, whether there is a later Patch available.  Any new Version or Patch is downloaded.  Any Package that previously failed to install correctly will be attempted to download and install again.
  • Even if a new Version and multiple Patches are needed to be installed, only 1 is installed at a time. The application is then launched and the Application Server checked again to see if there is a Patch available. (It also checks for an MSI first, but as that has just been installed, it can only possibly find a Patch to install.)
  • Patches are installed in numerical order. Every Patch is installed that matches the MSI.
  • When the Client receives the MSI or MSP, it is launched using SETUP.EXE and SETUP.BAT and then x_run terminates. This always happens.
  • MSI files will behave just like a manual install. That is, there will be a user interface requiring user interaction. If a silent install is required then a custom SETUP.TXT file needs to be provided on the Application Server to pass /quiet or /passive to the MSI.
  • MSP files automatically run with /passive. Again you can override this by supplying a custom SETUP.TXT file.

Downloading DLLs to the Target PC

When DLLs are installed on the Target PC, the same directory structure that exists on the Deploying System and the Application Server, is created. That gives a directory structure like this:


Each DLL installed on the Target PC is downloaded to this directory and will override any existing Packages of the same DLL.