Step 2 Install Version 1 of Client Personnel System with JIT Update

LANSA Deployment Tool

Step 2. Install Version 1 of Client Personnel System with JIT Update

DTE085 – Install Client Application with JIT Update

1.  Double click on the MSI file to start the Windows Install application.

2.  The Windows Setup dialog will be displayed.

     Press Enter. The Windows Setup dialog is displayed:

2.  Click Next to continue.

3.  The End User Licence Agreement dialog is displayed.

     A draft licence agreement is supplied in:

     You should edit or replace this file to implement your company licensing terms if necessary.

4.  Select the "I Accept….. " check box and click Next to continue.

5.  On the Installation Scope dialog, select Install for all users and click Next.

 When using Windows 8, the only option as shown below, will be to install as per-user.

     For Windows 8, to install for all users, use msiexec.exe in a command prompt, using Run as administrator.

     For Windows 7 an all-user installation can be performed using an Administrator profile and double clicking on the MSI file.

     The application will be installed into:
C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Apps\II Systems\II Client Personnel Application with JIT Update\X_Win95\X_Lansa\X_Apps\dtcltjit

6.  The Destination Folder dialog allows the destination folder to be changed, if required.

     Notice that the suggested path includes Company and Application Name:
…\II Systems\II Client Personnel Application with JIT Update

7.  Click Next to continue. The Choose Setup Type dialog is displayed.

8.  Click any button to continue.

9.  Click Install to continue.

10. The Install dialog will show progress with messages and a progress bar.

11. Click Finish to complete the installation.

     Note that the Start II Personnel System Client with JIT Update check box is selected to run the application immediately.

12. The Package Upgrade process will run before the application is launched. At this stage the JIT Server application folder (\IICLTJIT) contains only the Version 1 MSI file, which means an update is not necessary.

13. The main form (II_MAIN) will run and invoke the SuperServer connector form.

14. In the Connect to IBM i form, enter your User ID, Password and Server Name.

15. Select the Options tab, which will initially show the default conversion tables as defined in the connect form. You must enter the correct values for your system, which will depend on your IBM i code page. For example QCHRID = 37 for a US English system.
The EBCDIC to ASCII conversion tables depend on your national language.

     You can easily look up this information from your Visual LANSA install configuration:
In Visual LANSA, select About from the right hand side toolbar. In the Product Information dialog, select the Installation Details tab.
Expand the InstalledSettings.cfg entry and scroll down to find the Translation tables for your IBM i system:


     Enter these values in the Options tab in the Connect form.

16. Click Connect. After connecting with the server, the connect form will close. The main form then populates the browser panel on the left with all employees

     Note: The connect form remembers all entries except password.

17. As before, you are now able to edit and save an employee having selected it by double clicking in the browser (left hand side) or using the context menu to Open the employee details in the editor (right hand panel). The application handles multiple employees open in an editor instance.

     A new employee may be created using a toolbar button. All changes are saved using a toolbar button. The application warns if you are closing and an employee has been changed but not saved.

18. In the Deployment Tool, select Version 1 for the Client Personnel Application with JIT Update application. Click the Distributed toolbar button, to change the package status to Distributed. Package Maintenance can now not be opened for this package.