10 2 SuperServer Application using Built In Functions to connect to server

LANSA Deployment Tool

10.2 SuperServer Application using Built-In Functions to connect to server

In this scenario the database is installed on the server and the clients are installed as "fat" clients with the application DLLs installed locally.  Connection to the server is established using SuperServer Built-In Functions. 

Using SuperServer Built-In Functions is the recommended approach for establishing a connection to a remote system. This decision is made during the application development.

To support this scenario:

1.  The server portion of the deployed application will depend on the type of server used.

     For guidelines on setting up the server application, including the system variables, files (including message files) and their OAMs refer to, as applicable:

     10.2 SuperServer Application using Built-In Functions to connect to server

     10.4 SuperServer Application connecting to an IBM i server

     11.2 Data Application Server with Windows Application Database.

2.  Executable for the deployed application will be installed on each client including the application's forms, processes and functions.  Database accesses will be directed to the server.


Client Package

The client package can be based on template XCLTBIF.

The following Settings should be considered and reviewed:

  • Deploy to Client without local database
  • Deploy System definition
  • Deploy Partition definition
  • Omit Object Definitions
  • Deploy with Component Support
  • Deploy LANSA communications

Omit any unnecessary options to minimize the package size. Most of these options only need to be included in the initial package or after LANSA software upgrades have been applied and need to be deployed.

The following Options and details should also be considered and reviewed:

  • The Communication Administration file (lroute.dat) and listener (listen.dat) will need to be included to facilitate connection to the data server.

Note: The DBMS Type is typically set as NONE (that is, no local database).