14 2 1 Deploy Objects to Translate

LANSA Deployment Tool

14.2.1 Deploy Objects to Translate


How to do it

1. Create an application

Create an Application to contain the objects to be translated. 

2. Create a Version (or Patch)

Create a Version using the template XTRNEXP if translator has access to Visual LANSA environment

This template sets the Deploy with Translation List in the Settings, which indicates the LANSA internal definitions for the selected Objects are supplied with the Package.

This template is designed to install the resulting Package into an existing LANSA system.   Refer to XTRNEXP – Export Object Details for Translation for more information.

A Patch can be created based on an existing Version created with this template.

3. Add objects for translation

Use the Select Repository Objects dialog to add LANSA objects requiring translation to the Package.

4. Add languages to be translated

Select the Languages to be translated.  Include the base language to be used as source for translation and any language requiring translations.

5. Save package

Save the Package.

6. Build package

Build the Version or Patch.

7. Distribute the objects to be translated to Translators

Distribute the Version or Patch to your translator(s) by providing the files generated in <sysdir>\X_APPS\<Application>\X_PKGWRK\<Version>\Build\source\tlfiles.


The files are translated as described in 14.1.2 Install Translation Application and Translate Objects.