DTE055 Install Version 1

LANSA Deployment Tool

DTE055 – Install Version 1


To install Version 1 of the Stand Alone Employees Application.

To achieve this objective, you will complete the following:

Step 1. Locate the Install File

Step 2. Install Version 1 of Employee Application


Deploying Your Own Standalone Applications

It is important to understand that the way the exercises will manage package definition, build and installation may be very different to your own applications. For example, your deployment package should be built on a special deployment copy of Visual LANSA, which ideally should be on another PC or at least in a special install of Visual LANSA on a developer's PC. The objective here is to ensure that all the required components have been identified and are all at the required level.

Installation of Version 1 for your own system could be to an end user desktop or to a file server or to a Terminal Server, depending on how you deploy your client application software.

Refer to the section About the Tutorials at the start of these exercises for notes on a real Windows deployment versus this standalone example.

Since you are deploying a standalone application to a new database, you need to deploy both the application, the files it uses and the file data.

In this exercise you will deploy a standalone Windows application to your desktop. It will be installed as a per-user installation. This means it is installed to a path which looks like this, substituting your values:

C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Apps\<company name>\<application name>\

Only the current user will be able to run the application.

If you are deploying your own standalone Windows application, it would usually be installed for all users.

In this exercise, if you are using partition TRN for training, you will deploy the application to a new database with a partition TRN.

Before You Begin

You must have completed:

DTE050 – Create Version 1