The Nebula Device 3: c:/nebula3/code/foundation/core/rttimacros.h File Reference

The Nebula Device 3

c:/nebula3/code/foundation/core/rttimacros.h File Reference

Detailed Description

This defines the macros for Nebula3's RTTI mechanism (__DeclareClass, __ImplementClass, etc...).

(C) 2008 Radon Labs GmbH


#define __DeclareClass(type)
#define __RegisterClass(type)   static const bool type##_registered = type::RegisterWithFactory(); \
#define __ImplementClass(type, fourcc, baseType)
#define __ImplementRootClass(type, fourcc)

Define Documentation

#define __DeclareClass ( type   ) 


public: \
    void* operator new(size_t size) \
    { \
        return RTTI.AllocInstanceMemory(); \
    }; \
    void operator delete(void* p) \
    { \
        RTTI.FreeInstanceMemory(p); \
    }; \
    static Core::Rtti RTTI; \
    static Core::RefCounted* FactoryCreator(); \
    static type* Create(); \
    static bool RegisterWithFactory(); \
    virtual Core::Rtti* GetRtti() const; \
Declaration macro. Put this into the class declaration.

#define __RegisterClass ( type   )     static const bool type##_registered = type::RegisterWithFactory(); \

Register a class with the factory. This is only necessary for classes which can create objects by name or fourcc.

#define __ImplementClass ( type,
baseType   ) 


Core::Rtti type::RTTI(#type, fourcc, type::FactoryCreator, &baseType::RTTI, sizeof(type)); \
    Core::Rtti* type::GetRtti() const { return &this->RTTI; } \
    Core::RefCounted* type::FactoryCreator() { return type::Create(); } \
    type* type::Create() \
    { \
        return n_new(type); \
    bool type::RegisterWithFactory() \
    { \
        Core::SysFunc::Setup(); \
        if (!Core::Factory::Instance()->ClassExists(#type)) \
        { \
            Core::Factory::Instance()->Register(&type::RTTI, #type, fourcc); \
        } \
        return true; \
Implementation macro for default memory pool sizes. Put this into the source file.

#define __ImplementRootClass ( type,
fourcc   ) 


Core::Rtti type::RTTI(#type, fourcc, type::FactoryCreator, 0, sizeof(type)); \
    Core::Rtti* type::GetRtti() const { return &this->RTTI; } \
    Core::RefCounted* type::FactoryCreator() { return type::Create(); } \
    type* type::Create() \
    { \
        return n_new(type); \
    bool type::RegisterWithFactory() \
    { \
        if (!Core::Factory::Instance()->ClassExists(#type)) \
        { \
            Core::Factory::Instance()->Register(&type::RTTI, #type, fourcc); \
        } \
        return true; \
Type implementation of topmost type in inheritance hierarchy (source file).