The Nebula Device 3: BaseGameFeature Namespace Reference

The Nebula Device 3

BaseGameFeature Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The BaseGameFeature offers classes for loading and saving entities from and to the database. It allows creating of entities from categories defined in the blueprint.xml (entity and factorymanager). Furthermore the basegamefeature creates managers for focusing entities, using global attributes (from globals.xml), creating enviornment entities.

Data Structures

class  InputTimeSource
class  SystemTimeSource
class  TimeManager
class  TimeSource
class  EntityLoader
class  EntityLoaderBase
class  EnvironmentLoader
class  LevelLoader
class  LoaderServer
class  UserProfile
class  AnimEventManager
class  CategoryManager
class  EntityManager
class  EnvEntityManager
class  EnvQueryManager
class  FactoryManager
class  FocusManager
class  GlobalAttrsManager
class  TransformableProperty
class  GameStateHandler
class  TimingTimeSource
class  TimePropoerty