The Nebula Device 3: Net::Socket Class Reference

The Nebula Device 3

Net::Socket Class Reference

#include <socket.h>

Inheritance diagram for Net::Socket:

Win360::Win360Socket Core::RefCounted

Detailed Description

Platform independent wrapper class for the Sockets API.

(C) 2006 Radon Labs GmbH

Public Types

enum  Protocol
 protocol types
enum  ErrorCode
 error codes

Public Member Functions

bool Open (Protocol p)
 open the socket
void Close ()
 close the socket
bool IsOpen () const
 return true if the socket is open
ErrorCode GetErrorCode () const
 get the last error code
Util::String GetErrorString () const
 get the last error string
void SetAddress (const Net::IpAddress &a)
 set internet address of socket
const Net::IpAddressGetAddress () const
 get internet address of socket
void SetBroadcast (bool b)
 set the broadcast flag (SO_BROADCAST)
bool GetBroadcast ()
 get the broadcast flag
void SetKeepAlive (bool b)
 set the keepalive flag (SO_KEEPALIVE)
bool GetKeepAlive ()
 get the keepalive flag
void SetReUseAddr (bool b)
 set reuseaddr flag (SO_REUSEADDR)
bool GetReUseAddr ()
 get reuseaddr flag
void SetNoDelay (bool b)
 set nodelay flag (TCP_NODELAY)
bool GetNoDelay ()
 get nodelay flag
void SetRecvBufSize (SizeT s)
 set receive buffer size
SizeT GetRecvBufSize ()
 get receive buffer size
void SetSendBufSize (SizeT s)
 set send buffer size
SizeT GetSendBufSize ()
 get send buffer size
void SetBlocking (bool b)
 set blocking mode (FIONBIO)
bool GetBlocking () const
 get blocking mode
SizeT GetMaxMsgSize ()
 get the maximum message size that can be sent atomically
bool Bind ()
 bind socket to ip address
bool IsBound () const
 return true if the socket is bound to an address
bool Listen ()
 listen for incoming connections (for server sockets)
bool Accept (Ptr< Net::Socket > &outSocket)
 accept incoming connection, return a new socket (for server sockets)
Result Connect ()
 connect to the sockets address (for client sockets)
bool IsConnected ()
 test if the socket is currently connected
Result Send (const void *buf, SizeT numBytes, SizeT &bytesSent)
 send raw data into the socket
bool HasRecvData ()
 return true if recv data is available at the socket
Result Recv (void *buf, SizeT bufSize, SizeT &bytesReceived)
 receive raw data from the socket
Result SendTo (const void *buf, SizeT numBytes, uint addr, ushort port, SizeT &bytesSent)
 send raw data to address for connectionless sockets
Result RecvFrom (void *buf, SizeT bufSize, uint addr, ushort port, SizeT &bytesReceived)
 receive raw data from address for connectionless sockets
int GetRefCount () const
 get the current refcount
void AddRef ()
 increment refcount by one
void Release ()
 decrement refcount and destroy object if refcount is zero
bool IsInstanceOf (const Rtti &rtti) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class
bool IsInstanceOf (const Util::String &className) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class by string
bool IsInstanceOf (const Util::FourCC &classFourCC) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class by fourcc
bool IsA (const Rtti &rtti) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class
bool IsA (const Util::String &rttiName) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class, by string
bool IsA (const Util::FourCC &rttiFourCC) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class, by fourcc
const Util::StringGetClassName () const
 get the class name
Util::FourCC GetClassFourCC () const
 get the class FourCC code

Static Public Member Functions

static void InitNetwork ()
 static initializer method (called by SysFunc::Setup())
static bool IsNetworkInitialized ()
 is network initialized
static void DumpRefCountingLeaks ()
 dump refcounting leaks, call at end of application (NEBULA3_DEBUG builds only!)

Member Function Documentation

void Win360::Win360Socket::InitNetwork (  )  [static, inherited]

static initializer method (called by SysFunc::Setup())

This is a one-time init for the Windows Sockets system. The method is called from SysFunc::Setup() once at startup before any threads are launched.

void Win360::Win360Socket::SetAddress ( const Net::IpAddress a  )  [inline, inherited]

set internet address of socket

Set internet address of socket.

const Net::IpAddress & Win360::Win360Socket::GetAddress (  )  const [inline, inherited]

get internet address of socket

Get internet address of socket.

void Win360::Win360Socket::SetBlocking ( bool  b  )  [inherited]

set blocking mode (FIONBIO)

Set the socket to blocking mode.

bool Win360::Win360Socket::Bind (  )  [inherited]

bind socket to ip address

Bind the socket to its ip address set with SetAddress() and SetPort(). After binding the socket to an address, call the Listen() method to wait for incoming connections. This method only makes sense for server sockets.

bool Win360::Win360Socket::Listen (  )  [inherited]

listen for incoming connections (for server sockets)

Wait for incoming connections to a server socket. Call this method on server side after binding the socket to its address.

bool Win360::Win360Socket::Accept ( Ptr< Net::Socket > &  outSocket  )  [inherited]

accept incoming connection, return a new socket (for server sockets)

Accept an incoming connection to a server socket. This will spawn a new socket for the connection which will be returned in the provided pointer reference. The address of the returned socket will be set to the address of the "connecting entity".

Win360Socket::Result Win360::Win360Socket::Connect (  )  [inherited]

connect to the sockets address (for client sockets)

Connect to a server socket. This method is called by a client socket to connect to a server socket identified by the socket object's address. A non-blocking socket will return immediately with WouldBlock, since the connection cannot be established immediately. In this case, just continue to call Connect() until the method returns Success, or alternative, check the IsConnected() method, which will also return true once the connection has been establish.

bool Win360::Win360Socket::IsConnected (  )  [inherited]

test if the socket is currently connected

This tests if the socket is actually connected by doing a select() on the socket to probe for writability. So the IsConnected() method basically checks whether data can be sent through the socket.

Win360Socket::Result Win360::Win360Socket::Send ( const void *  buf,
SizeT  numBytes,
SizeT &  bytesSent 
) [inherited]

send raw data into the socket

Send raw data into the socket. Note that depending on the buffer size of the underlying socket implementation and other sockets, the method may not be able to send all provided data. In this case, the returned content of bytesSent will be less then numBytes, even though the return value will be Success. It is up to the caller to handle the extra data which hasn't been sent with the current call.

bool Win360::Win360Socket::HasRecvData (  )  [inherited]

return true if recv data is available at the socket

This method checks if the socket has received data available. Use this method in a loop with Recv() to get all data waiting at the socket. This method will never block.

Win360Socket::Result Win360::Win360Socket::Recv ( void *  buf,
SizeT  bufSize,
SizeT &  bytesReceived 
) [inherited]

receive raw data from the socket

Receive raw data from a socket and write the received data into the provided buffer. On a blocking socket this method will block until data arrives at the socket. A non-blocking socket would immediately return in this case with a WouldBlock result. When valid data has been received the method will return with a Success result and the bytesReceived argument will contain the number of received bytes. It is not guaranteed that a single receive will return all data waiting on the socket. To make sure that the socket is really empty, call Recv() in a loop until HasRecvData() returns false. When the socket has been gracefully closed by the other side, the method will return with a Closed return value. Everything else will return with an Error return code. Call GetErrorCode() or GetErrorString() to find out more in this case.

Win360Socket::Result Win360::Win360Socket::SendTo ( const void *  buf,
SizeT  numBytes,
uint  addr,
ushort  port,
SizeT &  bytesSent 
) [inherited]

send raw data to address for connectionless sockets

FIXME: this is the send method for connectionless sockets using the UDP protocol.

Win360Socket::Result Win360::Win360Socket::RecvFrom ( void *  buf,
SizeT  bufSize,
uint  addr,
ushort  port,
SizeT &  bytesReceived 
) [inherited]

receive raw data from address for connectionless sockets

FIXME: this is the recv method for connectionless socket using the UDP protocol.

int Core::RefCounted::GetRefCount (  )  const [inline, inherited]

get the current refcount

Return the current refcount of the object.

void Core::RefCounted::AddRef (  )  [inline, inherited]

increment refcount by one

Increment the refcount of the object.

void Core::RefCounted::Release (  )  [inline, inherited]

decrement refcount and destroy object if refcount is zero

Decrement the refcount and destroy object if refcount is zero.

const Util::String & Core::RefCounted::GetClassName (  )  const [inline, inherited]

get the class name

Get the class name of the object.

Util::FourCC Core::RefCounted::GetClassFourCC (  )  const [inline, inherited]

get the class FourCC code

Get the class FourCC of the object.

void Core::RefCounted::DumpRefCountingLeaks (  )  [static, inherited]

dump refcounting leaks, call at end of application (NEBULA3_DEBUG builds only!)

This method should be called as the very last before an application exits.