The Nebula Device 3: InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity Class Reference

The Nebula Device 3

InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity Class Reference

#include <internalmodelentity.h>

Inheritance diagram for InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity:

InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity Core::RefCounted

Detailed Description

Represents a visible graphics object.

(C) 2007 Radon Labs GmbH

Public Types

enum  LinkType
 visibility link types
typedef IndexT Id
 a unique id for graphics entities

Public Member Functions

 InternalModelEntity ()
virtual ~InternalModelEntity ()
void SetResourceId (const Resources::ResourceId &resId)
 set the model's resource id
const Resources::ResourceIdGetResourceId () const
 get the model's resource id
void SetRootNodePath (const Util::StringAtom &rootNodePath)
 optional path to root node (allows to instantiate a ModelEntity from part of a ModelNode hierarchy)
const Util::StringAtomGetRootNodePath () const
 get root node path, return invalid string atom if root node
void SetRootNodeOffsetMatrix (const Math::matrix44 &offsetMatrix)
 set optional root node offset matrix
const Math::matrix44GetRootNodeOffsetMatrix () const
 get optional root node offset matrix
void ConfigureAnimDrivenMotionTracking (bool enabled, const Util::StringAtom &jointName)
 enable anim driven motion tracking
void ConfigureAnimEventTracking (bool enabled, bool onlyDominatingClip)
 enable anim event tracking
void ConfigureCharJointTracking (bool enabled, const Util::Array< Util::StringAtom > &jointNames)
 configure joint tracking
Resources::Resource::State GetModelResourceState () const
 get the state of the contained managed model resource
const Ptr< Models::ModelInstance > & GetModelInstance () const
 get pointer to model instance (only valid if already loaded)
bool HasCharacter () const
 return true if this is a character
const Ptr< Characters::CharacterInstance > & GetCharacterInstance () const
 get pointer to character instance
const Ptr< Characters::Character > & GetCharacter () const
 get pointer to character
bool IsAnimDrivenMotionTrackingEnabled () const
 return true if anim driven motion tracking is enabled
const Util::StringAtomGetAnimDrivenMotionJointName () const
 get anim driven motion joint name
const Math::vectorGetAnimDrivenMotionVector () const
 get the current anim-driven-motion tracking vector
bool IsAnimEventTrackingEnabled () const
 return true if anim event tracking is enabled
const Util::Array< Animation::AnimEventInfo > & GetAnimEvents () const
 return the array of anim events of the current frame
bool IsCharJointTrackingEnabled () const
 return true if joint tracking is enabled
void AddTrackedCharJoint (const Util::StringAtom &jointName)
 dynamically add a tracked joint, note: you cannot remove tracked joints once added!
bool IsCharJointDataValid () const
 return true if current char joint data is valid in this frame (may change by visibility)
const Util::Array< Shared::CharJointInfo > & GetCharJointInfos () const
 get char joint information
virtual void HandleMessage (const Ptr< Messaging::Message > &msg)
 handle a message
bool IsActive () const
 return true if entity is currently active (is between OnActivate()/OnDeactivate()
bool IsValid () const
 return true if entity is current valid (ready for rendering)
Id GetId () const
 get the graphics entity's unique id
InternalGraphicsEntityType::Code GetType () const
 get the entity type
void SetTransform (const Math::matrix44 &m)
 set the entity's world space transform
const Math::matrix44GetTransform () const
 get the entity's world space transform
void SetVisible (bool b)
 set the entity's visibility
bool IsVisible () const
 return true if entity is set to visible
const Ptr< InternalStage > & GetStage () const
 get the stage this entity is attached to
bool IsAttachedToStage () const
 return true if entity is attached to stage
Timing::Time GetEntityTime () const
 get current entity time
const Math::bboxGetLocalBoundingBox ()
 get the local space bounding box
const Math::bboxGetGlobalBoundingBox ()
 get bounding box in global space
void ClearLinks (LinkType linkType)
 clear all visibility links
void AddLink (LinkType linkType, const Ptr< InternalGraphicsEntity > &entity)
 add visibility link
const Util::Array< Ptr< InternalGraphicsEntity > > & GetLinks (LinkType type) const
 get visibility links by type
virtual Math::ClipStatus::Type ComputeClipStatus (const Math::bbox &box)
 compute clip status against bounding box
void MarkRemove ()
 mark the entity for removal from the stage at the next possible time
bool IsMarkedForRemove () const
 return true if this entity has been marked for removal
void AddDeferredMessage (const Ptr< Messaging::Message > &msg)
 add a message for deferred handling once the object becomes valid
int GetRefCount () const
 get the current refcount
void AddRef ()
 increment refcount by one
void Release ()
 decrement refcount and destroy object if refcount is zero
bool IsInstanceOf (const Rtti &rtti) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class
bool IsInstanceOf (const Util::String &className) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class by string
bool IsInstanceOf (const Util::FourCC &classFourCC) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class by fourcc
bool IsA (const Rtti &rtti) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class
bool IsA (const Util::String &rttiName) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class, by string
bool IsA (const Util::FourCC &rttiFourCC) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class, by fourcc
const Util::StringGetClassName () const
 get the class name
Util::FourCC GetClassFourCC () const
 get the class FourCC code

Static Public Member Functions

static void DumpRefCountingLeaks ()
 dump refcounting leaks, call at end of application (NEBULA3_DEBUG builds only!)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void OnActivate ()
 called when entity is created
virtual void OnDeactivate ()
 called before entity is destroyed
virtual void OnSetupSharedData ()
 called to setup the client-portion of the shared data object
virtual void OnDiscardSharedData ()
 called to discard the client-portion of the shared data object
virtual void OnResetSharedData ()
 called per frame to reset the shared data object
virtual void OnResolveVisibility ()
 called from internalview
virtual void OnTransformChanged ()
 called when transform matrix changed
virtual void OnCullBefore (Timing::Time time, Timing::Time globalTimeFactor, IndexT frameIndex)
 called before culling on each(!) graphics entity (visible or not!)
virtual void OnNotifyCullingVisible (const Ptr< InternalGraphicsEntity > &observer, IndexT frameIndex)
 called when the entity has been found visible, may be called several times per frame!
virtual void OnRenderBefore (IndexT frameIndex)
 called right before rendering
virtual void OnRenderDebug ()
 called to render a debug visualization of the entity
void ValidateModelInstance ()
 validate the ModelInstance
virtual void OnShow ()
 called when the entity becomes visible
virtual void OnHide ()
 called when the entity becomes invisible
void HandleCharacterAnimEvents (Timing::Time time)
 handle per-frame anim events
void HandleCharacterAnimDrivenMotion ()
 handle per-frame anim-driven-movement stuff
void HandleTrackedJoints ()
 handle tracked character joints
void SetSharedData (const Ptr< FrameSync::FrameSyncSharedData > &data)
 set pointer to shared data object
void SetType (InternalGraphicsEntityType::Code t)
 set entity type, call in constructor of derived class!
void SetValid (bool b)
 set to valid state (when the entity becomes ready for rendering)
void UpdateClipStatus (Math::ClipStatus::Type c)
 update current clip status
void UpdateTime (Timing::Time time, Timing::Time timeFactor)
 update current time
virtual void OnAttachToStage (const Ptr< InternalStage > &stage)
 called when attached to Stage
virtual void OnRemoveFromStage ()
 called when removed from Stage
void SetLocalBoundingBox (const Math::bbox &b)
 set the local space bounding box
void UpdateGlobalBoundingBox ()
 update the global bounding box from the transform and local box
void HandleDeferredMessages ()
 handle deferred messages (called by subclasses once resources are loaded)

Member Function Documentation

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::HandleMessage ( const Ptr< Messaging::Message > &  msg  )  [virtual]

handle a message

Handle a message, override this method accordingly in subclasses!

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnActivate (  )  [protected, virtual]

called when entity is created

This will initialize the managed model inside the ModelEntity.

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnDeactivate (  )  [protected, virtual]

called before entity is destroyed

Cleanup our managed model, and ModelInstance if it is already initialized.

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnSetupSharedData (  )  [protected, virtual]

called to setup the client-portion of the shared data object

This method is called from OnActivate() to setup the shared data object of the entity. The method must call the ClientSetup() method on the sharedData object with the same template type as the main-thread side entity.

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnDiscardSharedData (  )  [protected, virtual]

called to discard the client-portion of the shared data object

Called from OnDeactivate() to discard the shared data object of the entity from the client side.

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnResetSharedData (  )  [protected, virtual]

called per frame to reset the shared data object

This method is called once per frame before OnCullBefore() to initialize the shared data object with suitable data (which may be overwritten with uptodate-data later in the frame). This is necessary because the SharedData object is double buffered, and thus if an update if missed for one frame invalid data from the previous frame may "leak" into the next frame.

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnResolveVisibility (  )  [protected, virtual]

called from internalview

This method is called whenever the the internalview comes to its Render method. Add light entities to the LightServer or to the ShadowServer.

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnTransformChanged (  )  [protected, virtual]

called when transform matrix changed

In OnTransformChanged() we need to update the transformation of our ModelInstance (if it has already been initialised).

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnCullBefore ( Timing::Time  time_,
Timing::Time  timeFactor_,
IndexT  frameIndex 
) [protected, virtual]

called before culling on each(!) graphics entity (visible or not!)

This method is called each frame on each entity (visible or not), so keep this method cheap!

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnNotifyCullingVisible ( const Ptr< InternalGraphicsEntity > &  observer,
IndexT  frameIndex 
) [protected, virtual]

called when the entity has been found visible, may be called several times per frame!

This method is called once (per-view) before the entity is rendered, and only for visible entities. Please note that this method may be called several times per frame!

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnRenderBefore ( IndexT  frameIndex  )  [protected, virtual]

called right before rendering

This method is called on the entity from InternalView::Render() once per frame for every visible entity.

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnRenderDebug (  )  [protected, virtual]

called to render a debug visualization of the entity

Render our debug visualization (the bounding box).

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::ValidateModelInstance (  )  [protected]

validate the ModelInstance

This creates and initializes our ModelInstance if needed. Since Model loading happens asynchronously this may happen at any time after the ModelEntity is activated.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnShow (  )  [protected, virtual]

called when the entity becomes visible

This method is called from the SetVisible() method when the entity changes from invisible to visible state.

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::OnHide (  )  [protected, virtual]

called when the entity becomes invisible

This method is called from the SetVisible() method when the entity changes from visible to invisible state.

Reimplemented from InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::HandleCharacterAnimEvents ( Timing::Time  time  )  [protected]

handle per-frame anim events

Handle character anim event stuff, always call this method, even if anim event tracking is not enabled.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::HandleCharacterAnimDrivenMotion (  )  [protected]

handle per-frame anim-driven-movement stuff

Handle character anim driven motion feedback. This is called once per frame for visible characters.

void InternalGraphics::InternalModelEntity::HandleTrackedJoints (  )  [protected]

handle tracked character joints

Handle the tracked character joints if joint tracking is enabled. NOTE: it's important that this method is called after the character's asynchronous update jobs have finished!

ClipStatus::Type InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity::ComputeClipStatus ( const Math::bbox box  )  [virtual, inherited]

compute clip status against bounding box

Compute the clip status between this entity and a bounding box in global space. This method must be overwritten in a derived class.

Reimplemented in InternalGraphics::InternalCameraEntity, Lighting::InternalGlobalLightEntity, Lighting::InternalPointLightEntity, and Lighting::InternalSpotLightEntity.

void InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity::AddDeferredMessage ( const Ptr< Messaging::Message > &  msg  )  [inherited]

add a message for deferred handling once the object becomes valid

Message handlers may decide to defer message handling until the object has become valid.

void InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity::OnAttachToStage ( const Ptr< InternalStage > &  s  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

called when attached to Stage

This method is called when the graphics entity is attached to a stage. An entity may only be attached to one stage at any time, but can be attached to different stages during its lifetime. Attachging an entity to a stage may be relatively slow because the entity must be inserted into the cell hierarchy.

void InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity::OnRemoveFromStage (  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

called when removed from Stage

This method is called when the graphics entity is removed from a stage.

void InternalGraphics::InternalGraphicsEntity::HandleDeferredMessages (  )  [protected, inherited]

handle deferred messages (called by subclasses once resources are loaded)

This method is called once when an object with deferred validation (e.g. ModelEntities) become valid (usually after their resources have finished loading). Any deferred messages will be processed here.

int Core::RefCounted::GetRefCount (  )  const [inline, inherited]

get the current refcount

Return the current refcount of the object.

void Core::RefCounted::AddRef (  )  [inline, inherited]

increment refcount by one

Increment the refcount of the object.

void Core::RefCounted::Release (  )  [inline, inherited]

decrement refcount and destroy object if refcount is zero

Decrement the refcount and destroy object if refcount is zero.

const Util::String & Core::RefCounted::GetClassName (  )  const [inline, inherited]

get the class name

Get the class name of the object.

Util::FourCC Core::RefCounted::GetClassFourCC (  )  const [inline, inherited]

get the class FourCC code

Get the class FourCC of the object.

void Core::RefCounted::DumpRefCountingLeaks (  )  [static, inherited]

dump refcounting leaks, call at end of application (NEBULA3_DEBUG builds only!)

This method should be called as the very last before an application exits.