
GameSpy SDK


Sends a UTM (under-the-table) message to a buddy.

GPResult gpSendBuddyUTM(
GPConnection * connection,
GPProfile profile,
const gsi_char * message,
int sendOption );
RoutineRequired HeaderDistribution

Return Value

This function returns GP_NO_ERROR upon success. Otherwise a valid GPResult is returned.


[in] A GP connection interface.
[in] The profile object for the buddy to whom the message is going.
[in] A user-readable text string containing the message to send to the buddy.
[in] UTM sending options - defined in GPEnum. Pass in 0 for no options.


If the buddy is not behind a firewall, and a direct connection is possible, the message can be any size. However, if the message needs to be sent through the server (i.e., the buddy is behind a firewall), then the message needs to be sent through the server. In this case, there is a limit of 1024 characters. Any message longer than 1024 characters, that needs to be sent through the server, will be truncated without warning or notice.

If GP_DONT_ROUTE is listed as a sendOption, the SDK will only attempt to send this message directly to the player and not route it through the server.

Unicode Mappings

RoutineGSI_UNICODE Not DefinedGSI_UNICODE Defined

gpSendBuddyUTMW and gpSendBuddyUTMA are UNICODE and ANSI mapped versions of gpSendBuddyUTM. The arguments of gpSendBuddyUTMA are ANSI strings; those of gpSendBuddyUTMW are wide-character strings.

Section Reference: Gamespy Presence SDK