Begins downloading new creatives as necessary.
- AdResult adDownloadNewCreatives(
- AdInterfacePtr theInterface,
- gsi_i32 theThrottle,
- AdDownloadNewCreativesProgressCallback theProgressCallback,
- AdDownloadNewCreativesCompletedCallback theCompletedCallback,
- gsi_time theTimeoutMs );
Routine | Required Header | Distribution |
adDownloadNewCreatives | <ad.h> | SDKZIP |
Return Value
This function returns AdResult_NO_ERROR upon success. Otherwise a valid AdResult error condition is returned. (see remarks)
- theInterface
- [in] SDK interface previously initialized using adInitialize
- theThrottle
- [in] Bandwidth throttle in bytes
- theProgressCallback
- [in] Function to be called periodically with progress info
- theCompletedCallback
- [in] Function to be called when ALL downloads have completed
- theTimeoutMs
- [in] Timeout for connecting to each server (not total download time)
adDownloadNewCreatives will download missing creative files for the registered positions. The supplied progress callback will be periodically triggered with updated status information.
In most cases, the SDK will save the creative into the ad file cache. On platforms without disk access the data will be streamed into memory. Developers on these platforms should copy the data buffer into a permanent location.
See adQueryForActiveUnits for how the SDK determines which creatives to download.
Section Reference: Gamespy Advertising SDK
See Also: adQueryForActiveUnits, adCancelDownloads