Advertising SDK Functions
adBeginTrackUsageTime | Begins time-based usage tracking for the specified unit. |
adCancelDownloads | Cancel any Creative downloads that are in progress. |
adCancelQueryForActiveUnits | Cancels a pending query. |
adDownloadNewCreatives | Begins downloading new creatives as necessary. |
adEndTrackUsageTime | Ends time-based usage tracking for the specified unit. |
adGetUnitInfoByID | Retrieves the AdUnitInfo the specified unit. |
adGetUnitInfoByPosition | Retrieves the AdUnitInfo for the unit in the specified position. |
adIncrementUsageCount | Increment ad usage (without tracking time in use) |
adInitialize | Create an SDK instance. |
adQueryForActiveUnits | Queries the list of active ad units from the ad server |
adRegisterPosition | Registers the string name and default ad of a new position. |
adReset | Return the SDK back to its initialization point. |
adSendUnitUsageData | Uploads usage data to the Ad Server. |
adShutdown | Destroys the SDK interface object and frees any allocated memory. |
adThink | Allows the SDK to continue processing. |