Voice SDK Functions
gvAreDevicesSetup | Determines if the registry has information on the specified device pair. |
gvCapturePacket | Takes captured audio data out of the internal capture buffer, storing it in the provided packet memory block. |
gvCleanup | Performs any necessary internal cleanup. GV cannot be used again until gvStartup is called. |
gvFreeDevice | Frees a device so that GV can clean it up |
gvGetAvailableCaptureBytes | Discovers how many bytes are currently available for capture on the given device. |
gvGetCaptureMode | Gets the capture mode for the device. |
gvGetCaptureThreshold | Gets the current value of the capture threshold for the device |
gvGetCodecInfo | Obtains the particular stats for the codec. |
gvGetCustomPlaybackAudio | Retrieves any audio data that is ready to be played through a custom playback device. |
gvGetDeviceVolume | Gets the volume from a capture or playback device. |
gvGetGlobalMute | Gets the current status of global mute. |
gvGetPushToTalk | Tells you if PushToTalk is currently turned on or off. |
gvIsDeviceStarted | Checks to see if a whether or not a device has been started as the given device type. |
gvIsSourceTalking | Determines if a particular source is currently talking on the specified device. |
gvListDevices | Gets a list of devices available on the system |
gvListTalkingSources | Gets a list of all of the sources that are currently talking on a particular device. |
gvNewCustomDevice | Creates a custom device, which allows an application to supply its own audio hardware interface. |
gvNewDevice | Initializes a device |
gvPlayPacket | Plays a packet retrieved from the capture buffer. |
gvRunSetupWizard | Interacts with the user to set up the capture and playback devices. |
gvSetCaptureMode | Sets the capture mode for the device. |
gvSetCaptureThreshold | Sets the threshold volume on a device. A packet will only be passed to the application if its peak volume is at least as high as the capture threshold. |
gvSetCodec | Sets the codec to be used by the SDK. |
gvSetCustomCaptureAudio | For a custom capture device, encodes captured audio from a stream into a packet, storing it at provided memory. |
gvSetCustomCodec | Tells GV to use an application-provided codec instead of a built-in codec. |
gvSetDeviceVolume | Sets a device's volume. |
gvSetFilter | Sets a device's filter callback. |
gvSetGlobalMute | Sets the global mute value - defaults to false. |
gvSetPushToTalk | Used to turn on or off capturing for a device. Must be in GVCaptureModePushToTalk mode. |
gvSetUnpluggedCallback | Sets a callback to be called when the SDK detects that the device was unplugged or is no longer functioning. |
gvStartDevice | Starts a device capturing and/or playing audio. |
gvStartup | Initializes the SDK. |
gvStopDevice | Stops a device that is capturing and/or playing audio. |
gvThink | Allows playback devices to play audio scheduled for playback. |