Frees memory allocated by the ServerBrowser SDK. Terminates any pending queries.
- void ServerBrowserFree(
- ServerBrowser sb );
Routine | Required Header | Distribution |
ServerBrowserFree | <sb_serverbrowsing.h> | SDKZIP |
- sb
- [in] A ServerBrowser interface previously allocated with ServerBrowserNew.
The ServerBrowserFree function frees any allocated memory associated with the SDK as well as terminates any pending queries. This function must be called once for every call to ServerBrowserNew to ensure proper cleanup of the ServerBrowsing SDK.
/* SERVERBROWSERFREE.C: This program uses ServerBrowserNew * to initialize the ServerBrowsing SDK */
#include <sb_serverbrowsing.h>
void main( void )
ServerBrowser aServerBrowser = ServerBrowserNew("gmtest", "gmtest", "HA6zkS", 0, 10, QVERSION_QR2, SBFalse, SBCallback, NULL);
Section Reference: Gamespy Server Browsing SDK
See Also: ServerBrowserNew