Possible results when attempting to join a room. Passed into peerJoinRoomCallback().
- typedef enum
- {
- PEERJoinSuccess,
- PEERFullRoom,
- PEERInviteOnlyRoom,
- PEERBannedFromRoom,
- PEERBadPassword,
- PEERAlreadyInRoom,
- PEERNoTitleSet,
- PEERNoConnection,
- PEERJoinFailed,
- } PEERJoinResult;
- PEERJoinSuccess
- The room was joined.
- PEERFullRoom
- The room is full.
- PEERInviteOnlyRoom
- The room is invite only.
- PEERBannedFromRoom
- The local user is banned from the room.
- PEERBadPassword
- An incorrect password (or none) was given for a passworded room.
- PEERAlreadyInRoom
- The local user is already in or entering a room of the same type.
- PEERNoTitleSet
- Can't join a room if no title is set.
- PEERNoConnection
- Can't join a room if there's no chat connection.
- PEERJoinFailed
- Generic failure.
Section Reference: Gamespy Peer SDK