Returns the channel’s title. The local client must be a member of the room.
- const gsi_char * peerGetRoomName(
- PEER peer,
- RoomType roomType );
Routine | Required Header | Distribution |
peerGetRoomName | <peer.h> | SDKZIP |
Return Value
Returns the channel’s title. NULL if the local client is not a member of the specified room type.
- peer
- [in] Initialized peer object.
- roomType
- [in] Can be either TitleRoom, GroupRoom or StagingRoom.
The peerGetRoomName function retreives the name of the room the local player is in. It return NULL if not in the room.
Unicode Mappings
Routine | GSI_UNICODE Not Defined | GSI_UNICODE Defined |
peerGetRoomName | peerGetRoomNameA | peerGetRoomNameW |
peerGetRoomNameW and peerGetRoomNameA are UNICODE and ANSI mapped versions of peerGetRoomName. The arguments of peerGetRoomNameA are ANSI strings; those of peerGetRoomNameW are wide-character strings.
Section Reference: Gamespy Peer SDK