Information about a profile which is returned by a requested search. Is often collected in a list, such as those found in GPGetReverseBuddiesResponseArg or GPProfileSearchResponseArg,.
- typedef struct
- {
- GPProfile profile;
- gsi_char nick[GP_NICK_LEN];
- gsi_char uniquenick[GP_UNIQUENICK_LEN];
- gsi_char firstname[GP_FIRSTNAME_LEN];
- gsi_char lastname[GP_LASTNAME_LEN];
- gsi_char email[GP_EMAIL_LEN];
- } GPProfileSearchMatch;
- profile
- Object representing this matching profile.
- nick
- The profile's nickname.
- uniquenick
- The profile's uniquenick.
- firstname
- The first name for the profile.
- lastname
- The last name for the profile.
- The eMail address for the profile.
Section Reference: Gamespy Presence SDK
See Also: GPGetReverseBuddiesResponseArg, GPProfileSearchResponseArg