
GameSpy SDK


Continues InitStatsAsync connection attempt.

int InitStatsThink( );
RoutineRequired HeaderDistribution

Return Value

GE_NOERROR if successful; otherwise one of the GE_ error codes. See Remarks.


This function should continue to be called as long as GE_CONNECTING is returned.

Error return values include:
GE_NODNS: Unable to resolve stats server DNS
GE_NOSOCKET: Unable to create data socket
GE_NOCONNECT: Unable to connect to stats server
GE_DATAERROR: Unable to receive challenge from stats server, or bad challenge
GE_NOERROR: Connected to stats server and ready to send data
GE_CONNECTING: Connect did not immediately complete. Call InitStatsThink to continue.
GE_TIMEOUT: Connect did not complete before timeout value was reached.