
GameSpy SDK


Input object passed to sakeRateRecord.

typedef struct 
char * mTableId;
int mRecordId;
gsi_u8 mRating;
} SAKERateRecordInput;


Points to the tableid of the table in which the record to be rated exists.
The recordid of the record to rate.
The rating the user wants to give the record.


The range of ratings which Sake supports is 0 to 255. However a game can restrict itself to a subset of that range if it wishes. For example, a game may want to use a rating of 1 to 5 (a star rating), or it may want to use a range of 0 to 100. Sake allows users to rate records which they own, however no profile can rate a single record more than once. The special field "my_rating" keeps track of what the current profile's rating is for a given record; if the record has not yet been rated, my_rating = -1 by default.

Section Reference: Gamespy Sake SDK

See Also: sakeRateRecord