Input object passed to sakeRateRecord.
- typedef struct
- {
- char * mTableId;
- int mRecordId;
- gsi_u8 mRating;
- } SAKERateRecordInput;
- mTableId
- Points to the tableid of the table in which the record to be rated exists.
- mRecordId
- The recordid of the record to rate.
- mRating
- The rating the user wants to give the record.
The range of ratings which Sake supports is 0 to 255. However a game can restrict itself to a subset of that range if it wishes. For example, a game may want to use a rating of 1 to 5 (a star rating), or it may want to use a range of 0 to 100. Sake allows users to rate records which they own, however no profile can rate a single record more than once. The special field "my_rating" keeps track of what the current profile's rating is for a given record; if the record has not yet been rated, my_rating = -1 by default.
Section Reference: Gamespy Sake SDK
See Also: sakeRateRecord