Transport SDK Functions
gt2Accept | Accepts an incoming connection attempt. |
gt2AddReceiveFilter | Adds a filter to the connection's incoming data filter list. |
gt2AddressToString | Converts an IP and a port into a text string. |
gt2AddSendFilter | Adds a filter to the connection's outgoing data filter list. |
gt2CloseAllConnections | Closes all of a socket's connections. |
gt2CloseAllConnectionsHard | Does a hard close on all of a socket's connections. |
gt2CloseConnection | Starts closing a connection. |
gt2CloseConnectionHard | Closes a connection immediately. |
gt2CloseSocket | Closes a socket. |
gt2Connect | Initiates a connection between a local socket and a remote socket. |
gt2CreateAdHocSocket | Creates a new socket, which can be used for making outgoing connections or accepting incoming connections. See gt2CreateSocket for details. |
gt2CreateSocket | Creates a new socket, which can be used for making outgoing connections or accepting incoming connections. |
gt2FilteredReceive | Called in response to a gt2ReceiveFilterCallback being called. It can be called from within the callback, or at any later time. |
gt2FilteredSend | Called in response to a gt2SendFilterCallback being called. It can be called from within the callback, or at any later time. |
gt2GetConnectionData | Returns the user data pointer stored with this connection. |
gt2GetConnectionSocket | Returns the socket which this connection exists on. |
gt2GetConnectionState | Gets the connection's state. |
gt2GetIncomingBufferFreeSpace | Gets the amount of available space in the connection's incoming buffer. |
gt2GetIncomingBufferSize | Gets the total size of the connection's incoming buffer. |
gt2GetLastSentMessageID | Gets the message id for the last reliably sent message. Unreliable messages do not have an id. |
gt2GetLocalIP | Gets a socket's local IP. |
gt2GetLocalPort | Get's a socket's local port. |
gt2GetOutgoingBufferFreeSpace | Gets the amount of available space in the connection's outgoing buffer. |
gt2GetOutgoingBufferSize | Gets the total size of the connection's outgoing buffer. |
gt2GetRemoteIP | Gets the connection's remote IP. |
gt2GetRemotePort | Get's the connection's remote port. |
gt2GetSocketData | Returns the user data pointer stored with this socket. |
gt2GetSocketSOCKET | This function returns the actual underlying socket for a GT2Socket. |
gt2HostToNetworkInt | Convert an int from host to network byte order. |
gt2HostToNetworkShort | Convert a short from host to network byte order. |
gt2IPToAliases | Get the aliases associated with an IP address. |
gt2IPToHostInfo | Looks up DNS host information based on an IP. |
gt2IPToHostname | Get the hostname associated with an IP address. |
gt2IPToIPs | Get the IPs associated with an IP address. |
gt2Listen | Start (or stop) listening for incoming connections on a socket. |
gt2NetworkToHostInt | Convert an int from network to host byte order. |
gt2NetworkToHostShort | Convert a short from network to host byte order. |
gt2Ping | Sends a ping on a connection in an attempt to determine latency. |
gt2Reject | Rejects a connection attempt. |
gt2RemoveReceiveFilter | Removes a filter from the connection's incoming data filter list. |
gt2RemoveSendFilter | Removes a filter from the connection's ougoing data filter list. |
gt2Send | Sends data over a connection, reliably or unreliably. |
gt2SetConnectionData | Stores a user data pointer with this connection. |
gt2SetReceiveDump | Sets a callback to which all incoming UDP packets are passed. This is at a lower level than the filters, can only be used for monitoring, and is designed for debugging purposes. |
gt2SetSendDump | Sets a callback to which all outgoing UDP packets are passed. This is at a lower level than the filters, can only be used for monitoring, and is designed for debugging purposes. |
gt2SetSocketData | Stores a user data pointer with this socket. |
gt2SetUnrecognizedMessageCallback | Used to handle unrecognized messages, usually used for sharing a socket with another SDK. |
gt2StringToAddress | Converts a string address, which is either a hostname ("") or a dotted IP ("") into an IP and a port. |
gt2StringToAliases | Get the aliases associated with a hostname or dotted IP. |
gt2StringToHostInfo | Looks up DNS host information based on a hostname or dotted IP. |
gt2StringToHostname | Get the hostname associated with a hostname or dotted IP. |
gt2StringToIPs | Get the IPs associated with a hostname or dotted IP. |
gt2Think | Does any thinking for this socket and its connections. |
gt2WasMessageIDConfirmed | Checks if confirmation has been received that the remote end received a particular reliable message. |
gti2IpToMac | Converts a 32 bit IP address to a 48 bit Mac address |
gti2MacToIp | Change mac ethernet to IP address. |