Sake SDK Structures
SAKEBinaryData | Data struct used to store arbitrary binary data in a Sake field. |
SAKECreateRecordInput | Input object passed to sakeCreateRecord. |
SAKECreateRecordOutput | Returned output object that specifies the recordid for the newly created record. |
SAKEDeleteRecordInput | Input object passed to sakeDeleteRecord. |
SAKEField | object used to represent the field of a record. |
SAKEGetMyRecordsInput | Input object passed to sakeGetMyRecords. |
SAKEGetMyRecordsOutput | Returned output object that specifies all of the records which the local player owns in the table. |
SAKEGetRandomRecordInput | Input object passed to sakeGetRandomRecord. |
SAKEGetRandomRecordOutput | Returned output object that contains a random record. |
SAKEGetRecordCountInput | Input object passed to sakeGetRecordCount |
SAKEGetRecordCountOutput | Returned record count based on the specified table and search filter used. |
SAKEGetRecordLimitInput | Input object passed to sakeGetRecordLimit. |
SAKEGetRecordLimitOutput | Returned output object that specifies the maximum number of records that a profile can own in the table. |
SAKEGetSpecificRecordsInput | Input object passed to sakeGetSpecificRecords. |
SAKEGetSpecificRecordsOutput | Returned output object that contains all of the records which were specified in the request. |
SAKERateRecordInput | Input object passed to sakeRateRecord. |
SAKERateRecordOutput | Returned output object that lists the new number of ratings and the new average rating for the specified record. |
SAKESearchForRecordsInput | Input object passed to sakeSearchForRecords. |
SAKESearchForRecordsOutput | Returned output object that contains the records founds by the search. |
SAKEUpdateRecordInput | Input object passed to sakeUpdateRecord. |