Gets all of the records owned by the local player from a table.
- SAKERequest sakeGetMyRecords(
- SAKE sake,
- SAKEGetMyRecordsInput * input,
- SAKERequestCallback callback,
- void * userData );
Routine | Required Header | Distribution |
sakeGetMyRecords | <sake.h> | SDKZIP |
Return Value
Reference to internal object that tracks the request. If this is NULL, then the request has failed to initialize. You can call sakeGetStartRequestResult to obtain the reason for the failure.
- sake
- [in] The Sake object.
- input
- [in] Stores info about the records you wish to retrieve.
- callback
- [in] The request callback function.
- userData
- [in] pointer to user specified data sent to the request callback.
If the request completed successfully, then the output object contains all of the records which the local player owns in the table. See definitions of the Input & Output structs for more information about how to limit what is retrieved in the request and certain metadeta fields that can be retrieved.
Section Reference: Gamespy Sake SDK
See Also: SAKEGetMyRecordsInput, SAKEGetMyRecordsOutput, SAKERequestCallback