Queries the list of active ad units from the ad server.
- AdResult adQueryForActiveUnits(
- AdInterfacePtr theInterface,
- gsi_u32 theProfileId,
- gsi_u32 theSex,
- gsi_u32 theBirthDay,
- gsi_u32 theBirthMonth,
- gsi_u32 theBirthYear,
- char* theCountryCode,
- AdQueryForActiveUnitsCallback theCallback,
- gsi_time theTimeoutMs );
Routine | Required Header | Distribution |
adQueryForActiveUnits | <ad.h> | SDKZIP |
Return Value
This function returns AdResult_NO_ERROR upon success. Otherwise a valid AdResult error condition is returned. (see remarks)
- theInterface
- [in] SDK interface previously initialized using adInitialize
- theProfileId
- [in] Profileid of the local user. Usually obtained via the GP SDK.
- theSex
- [in] Usually obtained via the GP SDK.
- theBirthDay
- [in] Usually obtained via the GP SDK.
- theBirthMonth
- [in] Usually obtained via the GP SDK.
- theBirthYear
- [in] Usually obtained via the GP SDK.
- theCountryCode
- [in] Two letter country code. Usually obtained via the GP SDK.
- theCallback
- [in] Callback to be triggered when the operation completes.
- theTimeoutMs
- [in] Timeout in milliseconds
This function will retrieve information about one advertisement for each registered position. Advertisements will not be downloaded until adDownloadNewCreatives is called.
Supplied user data will be used for targetted advertising.
Section Reference: Gamespy Advertising SDK
See Also: adGetUnitInfoByPosition, adDownloadNewCreatives