Competition SDK Functions
scCreateMatchlessSession | This is a variation of scCreateSession that creates a "matchless" session; "matchless" means incoming data will be scrutinized less, and applied to stats immediately instead of when the match is over. |
scCreateReport | Creates a new report for the game session |
scCreateSession | Requests the Competition service to create a session ID and keep track of the session that is about to start. |
scDestroyReport | Used to clean up and free the report object after it has been submitted. |
scGetConnectionId | Used to obtain a Connection ID when setting player data in the report. |
scGetSessionId | Used to obtain the session ID for the current game session. |
scInitialize | Initializes the competition SDK. |
scReportAddByteValue | Adds a byte value to the report for a specific key. |
scReportAddFloatValue | Adds a float value to the report for a specific key. |
scReportAddIntValue | Adds an integer value to the report for a specific key. |
scReportAddShortValue | Adds a short value to the report for a specific key. |
scReportAddStringValue | Adds a string value to the report for a specific key. |
scReportBeginGlobalData | Tells the competition SDK to start writing global data to the report. |
scReportBeginNewPlayer | Add a new player to the report |
scReportBeginNewTeam | Adds a new team to the report. |
scReportBeginPlayerData | Tells the competition SDK to start writing player data to the report. |
scReportBeginTeamData | Tells the competition SDK to start writing player data to the report. |
scReportEnd | Denotes the end of a report for the report specified. |
scReportSetAsMatchless | Called after creating the report to set it as a matchless report - this is needed if the report is being submitted to a "matchless" game session. |
scReportSetPlayerData | Sets initial player data in the report specified |
scReportSetTeamData | Sets the initial team data in the report specified. |
scSetReportIntention | Called to tell the backend the type of report that the player or host will send. |
scSetSessionId | Used to set the session ID for the current game session. |
scShutdown | Shuts down the Competition SDK |
scSubmitReport | Initiates the submission of a report |
scThink | Called to complete pending operations for functions with callbacks. |