Presence and Messaging SDK Functions
gpAcceptTransfer | This function is used to accept a file transfer request. |
gpAddToBlockedList | Adds a remote profile to the local player's blocked list. |
gpAuthBuddyRequest | This function authorizes a buddy request. It is called in response to the gpRecvBuddyRequest callback getting called. |
gpCheckUser | Validates a user's info, without logging into the account. |
gpConnect | This function is used to establish a connection to the server. It establishes a connection with an existing profile, which is identified based on the nick and email and is validated by the password. |
gpConnectNewUser | This function is used to create a new user account and profile and to then establish a connection using the profile. |
gpConnectPreAuthenticated | This function is used to establish a connection to the server. It establishes a connection using an authtoken and a partnerchallenge, both obtained from a partner authentication system. |
gpConnectUniqueNick | This function is used to establish a connection to the server. It establishes a connection with an existing profile, which is identified based on the uniquenick and is validated by the password. |
gpDeleteBuddy | This function deletes a buddy from the local profile’s buddy list. |
gpDeleteProfile | This function deletes the local profile. Note that this is a blocking call. |
gpDenyBuddyRequest | This function denies a buddy request. It is called in response to the gpRecvBuddyRequest callback getting called. |
gpDestroy | This function is used to destroy a connection object. |
gpDisable | This function disables a certain state. |
gpDisconnect | This function terminates the local connection. This should always be called when the connection is no longer needed. |
gpEnable | This function enables a certain state. |
gpFreeTransfer | This function is used to free a file transfer. |
gpGetBlockedProfile | This function gets the profileid for a particular player on the blocked list. |
gpGetBuddyIndex | This function checks a remote profile to see if it is a buddy. If it is a buddy, the buddy’s index is returned. If it is not a buddy, the index will be set to -1 |
gpGetBuddyStatus | This function gets the status for a particular buddy on the buddy list. |
gpGetCurrentFile | This function is used to get the current file being transferred. |
gpGetErrorCode | This function gets the current error code for a connection. |
gpGetErrorString | This function gets the current error string for a connection. |
gpGetFileModificationTime | This function is used to get a file’s timestamp. |
gpGetFileName | This function is used to get the name of a file. |
gpGetFilePath | This function is used to get the local path to a file. |
gpGetFileProgress | This function is used to get the progress of a file being transferred. |
gpGetFileSize | This function is used to get the size of a file being transferred. |
gpGetInfo | This function gets info on a particular profile. |
gpGetLoginTicket | Retrieves a connection "token" that may be used by HTTP requests to uniquely identify the player. |
gpGetNumBlocked | Gets the total number of blocked players in the local profile's blocked list. |
gpGetNumBuddies | This function gets the number of buddies on the local profile’s buddy list. |
gpGetNumFiles | This function is used to get the number of files (including directories) being transferred. |
gpGetNumTransfers | Returns the number of pending file transfers. |
gpGetReverseBuddies | Get profiles that have you on their buddy list. |
gpGetTransfer | Returns the GPTransfer object at the specified index. |
gpGetTransferData | This function is used to retrieve arbitrary user-data stored with a transfer. |
gpGetTransferProfile | This function is used to get the remote profile for a transfer. |
gpGetTransferProgress | This function is used to get the total progress of the transfer, in bytes. |
gpGetTransferSide | This function is used to get which side of the transfer the local profile is on (sending or receiving). |
gpGetTransferSize | This function is used to get the total size of the transfer, in bytes. |
gpGetTransferThrottle | This function can be used to get a transfer’s throttle setting. NOTE: Throttling is not currently implemented. Throttle information is transmitted between the local profile and remote profile, but no throttling actually occurs. |
gpGetUserNicks | This function gets the nicknames for a given e-mail/password (which identifies a user). |
gpIDFromProfile | A GPProfile is now the same as a profileid. |
gpInitialize | This function is used to initialize a connection object. |
gpInvitePlayer | This function invites a player to play a certain game. |
gpIsBlocked | Returns gsi_true if the given ProfileID is blocked, gsi_false if not blocked. |
gpIsBuddy | Returns 1 if the given ProfileID is a buddy, 0 if not a buddy |
gpIsConnected | Determine whether the GPConnection object has established a connection with the server. |
gpIsValidEmail | This function checks if there is an account with the given e-mail address. |
gpNewProfile | This function creates a new profile for the local user. |
gpNewUser | This function creates a new user account and a profile in that account. Unlike gpConnectNewUser, gpNewUser does not login with the new account. The local user does not need to be connected to use this function. |
gpProcess | This function does any necessary processing that needs to be done on connection. |
gpProfileFromID | Translates a profile id into a GPProfile. |
gpProfileSearch | This function searches for profiles based on certain criteria. |
gpProfilesReport | Debug function to dump information on known profiles to the console. |
gpRegisterCdKey | This function attempts to register a cdkey and associate it with the local profile. |
gpRegisterUniqueNick | This function attempts to register a uniquenick and associate it with the local profile. |
gpRejectTransfer | This function is used to reject a file transfer request. |
gpRemoveFromBlockedList | Removes a remote profile from the local player's blocked list. |
gpRevokeBuddyAuthorization | Remove the local client from a remote users buddy list. |
gpSendBuddyMessage | This function sends a message to a buddy. |
gpSendBuddyRequest | This function sends a request to a remote profile to ask for permission to add the remote profile to the local profile’s buddy list. |
gpSendBuddyUTM | Sends a UTM (under-the-table) message to a buddy. |
gpSendFiles | This function attempts to send one or more files (and/or sub-directory names) to another profile. |
gpSetCallback | This function is used to set callbacks. The callbacks that get set with this function are called as a result of data received from the server, such as messages or status updates. |
gpSetInfoCacheFilename | Sets the file name for the internal profile cache. |
gpSetInfod | These functions are used to set local info. |
gpSetInfoi | These functions are used to set local info. |
gpSetInfoMask | |
gpSetInfos | These functions are used to set local info. |
gpSetStatus | This function sets the local profile’s status. |
gpSetTransferData | This function is used to store arbitrary user-data with a transfer. |
gpSetTransferDirectory | This function can be used to set the directory that files are received into. |
gpSetTransferThrottle | This function can be used to set a throttle on a transfer. NOTE: Throttling is not currently implemented. Throttle information is transmitted between the local profile and remote profile, but no throttling actually occurs. |
gpSkipFile | This function is used to skip transferring a certain file. |
gpSuggestUniqueNick | This function gets suggested uniquenicks from the backend. |
gpUserIDFromProfile | This function gets a profile’s user ID. |