Chat SDK Functions
chatAddChannelBan | Ban a nickname from the specified channel. Local client must have moderator privileges. |
chatAuthenticateCDKey | Allows pre-chat cd key authentication via the chat server. |
chatBanUser | Ban a user from the chat room. The user may not rejoin. |
chatChangeNick | Change the chat nickname associated with the local client. This does not affect the account name. |
chatConnect | The chatConnect function initializes the Chat SDK and initiates a connection to the chat server. |
chatConnectLogin | Initializes the Chat SDK and initiates a connection to the chat server. The chatConnectLogin function provides the ability to login to chat using a registered unique nickname. |
chatConnectPreAuth | Initializes the Chat SDK and initiates a connection to the chat server. The chatConnectPreAuth function provides the ability to specify authtoken and partnerchallenge. (Not for common use). |
chatConnectSecure | Initializes the Chat SDK and initiates a connection to the chat server. The chatConnectSecure function encrypts the connection. |
chatConnectSpecial | Initializes the Chat SDK and initiates a connection to the chat server. The chatConnectSpecial function provides ability to fill in the user field after the local machine’s IP address is known. |
chatDisconnect | Disconnect from the chat server. Performs necessary cleanup of the Chat SDK |
chatEnterChannel | Joins a chat channel. |
chatEnumChannelBans | Retrieves a list of clients banned from a channel. |
chatEnumChannels | Enumerates the chat channels on the server. |
chatEnumJoinedChannels | Enumerates the chat channels on the server which the local client has joined. |
chatEnumUsers | Retrieves the list of users in the specified channel. |
chatFixNick | Repairs an illegal chat nickname. |
chatGetBasicUserInfo | Retrieves basic information on the specified user. |
chatGetBasicUserInfoNoWait | Retrieves basic information on the specified user. Information is returned through function parameters. |
chatGetChannelBasicUserInfo | Retrieves basic user info for every member of the specified channel. |
chatGetChannelKeys | Retrieves a list of key/value pairs for a channel or user. |
chatGetChannelMode | Retrieves the "mode" of a channel. |
chatGetChannelNumUsers | Returns the number of users in the already joined channel. This is a cached value, and not a server query. |
chatGetChannelPassword | Queries the server for the specified channel’s password. |
chatGetChannelTopic | Queries the server for the specified channel’s topic. Also known as the room description. |
chatGetGlobalKeys | Retrieves a list of global keys for a single user, or all users. |
chatGetNick | Gets the chat nickname of the local client. This may not be the same as the profile nickname. |
chatGetProfileID | Gets the profile id of the local client. |
chatGetUserID | Gets the user id of the local client. |
chatGetUserInfo | Gets information on the specified user. |
chatGetUserMode | Get the mode of a user in a specified channel. |
chatGetUserModeNoWait | Get the mode of a user in a specified channel, returning it through a function parameter. |
chatInChannel | Determine whether the local client is a member of the specified channel. |
chatInviteUser | Invite a user to join a channel. |
chatKickUser | Forcefully remove a user from a specified channel. |
chatLeaveChannel | Leave a chat channel. |
chatRegisterUniqueNick | Registers a unique nick to the local client and cdkey. |
chatRemoveChannelBan | Removes a banned player from a channel's ban list. This will once again allow the user to join the channel. |
chatRetryWithNick | Use in response to a nickErrorCallback. This function allows the local client to retry the connection attempt with a different chat nickname. |
chatSendChannelMessage | Send a message to all members of the specified channel. |
chatSendRaw | Send a raw command to the chat server. This does not automatically send to a player. |
chatSendUserMessage | Send a private message to a user. |
chatSetChannelGroup | Assign a user-defined grouping to a channel. The group is a string identifier which is linked to the channel. |
chatSetChannelKeys | Set key/values on a channel or the local user. |
chatSetChannelLimit | Set the maximum number of users allowed in a channel. |
chatSetChannelMode | Set a channel’s mode. |
chatSetChannelPassword | Sets or clears a password on the specified channel. |
chatSetChannelTopic | Set the topic (description) of a chat channel. |
chatSetGlobalKeys | Set key/values on the local client. |
chatSetQuietMode | Sets the chat sdk to quiet mode or disables quiet mode. |
chatSetUserMode | Set the IRC mode of the specified user. This mode is applied in the specified channel. |
chatThink | Allow the Chat SDK to continue processing. |
chatTranslateNick | Removes the namespace extension from a nickname. Use this when working with unique nicknames in a public chat room. |