
GameSpy SDK


Joins a specified game staging room. Allows players to get together and chat while setting up a game. Players can also see other players’ pings and crosspings.

void peerJoinStagingRoom(
PEER peer,
SBServer server,
const gsi_char password[PEER_PASSWORD_LEN],
peerJoinRoomCallback callback,
void * param,
PEERBool blocking );
RoutineRequired HeaderDistribution


[in] Initialized peer object.
[in] SBServer object.
[in] Optional password for the staging room.
[in] Callback function to be called when the operation completes.
[in] Pointer to user data. This is optional and will be passed unmodified to the callback function.
[in] When set to PEERTrue this function will not return until the operation has completed.


The peerJoinStagingRoom connects a player to a staging room. "server" is one of the server objects passed to peerListingGamesCallback(). "password" will be checked to match the password passed to peerCreateStaginRoom. Spaces in passwords are not allowed. Any password with spaces should be stripped of those spaces before calling this function, or a warning to the user will suffice. This call will only work if the server was listed with "staging" set to true. Otherwise the game has already been launched and should be joined directly. As long as the server object was obtained from a peerStartListGames() call that was made after the most recent call to peerSetTitle(), then the listing can be safely stopped (with peerStopListingGames()) before making this call.

Unicode Mappings

RoutineGSI_UNICODE Not DefinedGSI_UNICODE Defined

peerJoinStagingRoomW and peerJoinStagingRoomA are UNICODE and ANSI mapped versions of peerJoinStagingRoom. The arguments of peerJoinStagingRoomA are ANSI strings; those of peerJoinStagingRoomW are wide-character strings.

Section Reference: Gamespy Peer SDK

See Also: peerJoinRoomCallback