The arg parameter passed to a callback generated by a call to gpGetUserNicks is of this type.
- typedef struct
- {
- GPResult result;
- gsi_char email[GP_EMAIL_LEN];
- int numNicks;
- gsi_char ** nicks;
- gsi_char ** uniquenicks;
- } GPGetUserNicksResponseArg;
- result
- The result of the inquiry; GP_NO_ERROR if successful.
- The eMail address being inquired about.
- numNicks
- The number of profiles found to match the given eMail/password. If 0, then the email and password did not match. If you are unsure if the email address passed to gpGetUserNicks is valid, call gpIsValidEmail first. Then a value of 0 numNicks will always mean that the email address was valid but the password was incorrect.
- nicks
- The list of profile Nicknames, numNicks in length.
- uniquenicks
- The list of profile Uniquenicks, numNicks in length.
Section Reference: Gamespy Presence SDK