
GameSpy SDK


Initializes the Sake SDK for use.

SAKEStartupResult sakeStartup(
SAKE * sakePtr );
RoutineRequired HeaderDistribution

Return Value

An enumeration of possible results. If the result is SAKEStartupResult_SUCESS, then the startup has succeeded. Any other value indicates a failure, and the game should not continue calling other Sake functions.


[in] Pointer to a Sake object, which is initialized by startup. This will be used in nearly all subsequent Sake calls.


Before using Sake, the GameSpy Availability Check must have been performed and indicated that the game’s backend is available, and the Core object must have been initialized by calling gsCoreInitialize. Sample code for this is available in the Sake test app.

The SAKE object initialized by this startup call is valid until the game shutdowns the Sake SDK with sakeShutdown.

Section Reference: Gamespy Sake SDK

See Also: SAKEStartupResult