
GameSpy SDK


Rates a specified record.

SAKERequest sakeRateRecord(
SAKE sake,
SAKERateRecordInput * input,
SAKERequestCallback callback,
void * userdata );
RoutineRequired HeaderDistribution

Return Value

Reference to internal object that tracks the request. If this is NULL, then the request has failed to initialize. You can call sakeGetStartRequestResult to obtain the reason for the failure.


[in] The sake object.
[in] Stores the information for the record you wish to rate.
[in] The request callback function.
[in] pointer to user specified data sent to the request callback.


The range of ratings which Sake supports is 0 to 255. However a game can restrict itself to a subset of that range if it wishes. For example, a game may want to use a rating of 1 to 5 (a star rating), or it may want to use a range of 0 to 100. Sake allows users to rate records which they own, however no profile can rate a single record more than once.

Sake stores on the backend each individual rating that has been given, which allows it to compute accurate averages and prevent repeat ratings. The field name "my_rating" can be used to obtain the current profile's rating for a given record or when searching for records. By default, my_rating = -1 for records that have not yet been rated. When browsing for records, use the special search tags @rated or @unrated in the filter string to limit the searches to either rated or unrated records.