Sets the peer sdk to quiet mode or disables quiet mode. See remarks.
- void peerSetQuietMode(
- PEER peer,
- PEERBool quiet );
Routine | Required Header | Distribution |
peerSetQuietMode | <peer.h> | SDKZIP |
- peer
- [in] Initialized peer object.
- quiet
- [in] Set to PEERTrue to enable quiet mode. PEERFalse to disable.
The peerSetQuietMode function is used to toggle quiet mode. When in quiet mode the peer SDK will not receive chat or other messages. This allows the user to remain logged into chat without disrupting gameplay with extraneous traffic. If quiet mode is enabled, the chat server will not send this user channel messages or channel join/parts. This will last until quiet mode is disabled. At that time the peerNewPlayerListCallback() will be called for each room the local user is in with the current list of players. This function has no effect if the title is not set and the peer object is not connected.
Section Reference: Gamespy Peer SDK