Sake SDK Functions
sakeCreateRecord | Creates a new Record in a backend table. |
sakeDeleteRecord | Deletes the specified record. |
sakeGetFieldByName | This utility function retrieves the specified field from the record, via the name that identifies it. |
sakeGetFileDownloadURL | Used to get a download URL for a particular fileid. |
sakeGetFileIdFromHeaders | If the file was uploaded successfully, this function obtains the fileid that references the file. |
sakeGetFileResultFromHeaders | Checks the headers from the uploaded file to see the result. |
sakeGetFileUploadURL | Retrieves the URL which can be used to upload files. |
sakeGetMyRecords | Gets all of the records owned by the local player from a table. |
sakeGetRandomRecord | Retrieves a random record from the provided search criteria. |
sakeGetRecordCount | Gets a count for the number of records in a table based on the given filter criteria. |
sakeGetRecordLimit | Checks the maximum number of records that a profile can own for a particular table. |
sakeGetSpecificRecords | Gets a list of specific records from a table. |
sakeGetStartRequestResult | Called to retrieve the result of a request - normally used to determine the reason for a failed request. |
sakeRateRecord | Rates a specified record. |
sakeSearchForRecords | Searches a table for records that match certain specified criteria. |
sakeSetGame | Authenticates the game to use Sake. |
sakeSetProfile | Provides Sake authentication information for the current player. |
sakeShutdown | Shuts down the SDK and frees any memory that was allocated for the Sake object. |
sakeStartup | Initializes the Sake SDK for use. |
sakeUpdateRecord | Updates the values stored in an existing record. |