Persistent Storage SDK Functions
CloseStatsConnection | Closes the connection to the stats server. You should do this when done with the connection. |
GenerateAuth | Create a validation token (response) for use when beginning the authentication process. |
GetChallenge | Get the challenge value used for authentication. |
GetPersistData | Gets the entire block of persistent data for a user. |
GetPersistDataModified | Gets the entire block of persistent data for a user, if it has been modified since the time provided. |
GetPersistDataValues | Retrieves a subset of the data that is stored in key\value delimited pairs. |
GetPersistDataValuesModified | Retrieves a subset of the data that is stored in key\value delimited pairs, but only if it has been modified since the time provided. |
GetProfileIDFromCD | Given a nickname and CD Key hash, this will lookup the profileid for the user. |
InitStatsConnection | Connects to the Persistent Storage server. |
IsStatsConnected | Reports whether or not you are currently connected to the stats server. |
PersistThink | Allows Persistent Storage SDK to continue internal processing including processing query replies. Also tests connection to the stats server. |
PreAuthenticatePlayerCD | Authenticates a player on the Stats server. |
PreAuthenticatePlayerPM | Authenticates a player on the Stats server. |
SetPersistData | Sets the entire block of persistent data for a user. |
SetPersistDataValues | If you are saving data in key\value delimited format, you can use this function to only set SOME of the key\value pairs. Only the key value pairs you include in they keyvalues parameter will be updated, the other pairs will stay the same. |