Wrapup Folders

IPFX Administrator

Wrapup Folders

Wrapup Folders allow you to organize Wrapups into convenient categories.

For example, if you are taking a call for a Customer Service Queue, you only want to see the Wrapup codes relevant to that Customer Services Queue, not all Wrapups for the company.

To Create a new Wrapup Folder.

  1. Right click in the right side of the screen to display the short cut menu, shown below.

    Screenshot Template

  2. Select New Wrapup Folder, to display the Folder Properties screen.

    Screenshot Template

  3. Enter the key name (e.g. CUS).
  4. Enter the description (e.g. Customer Services).
  5. Select the Parent Folder.
    (If this is a folder for a queue, it is suggested you use the Parent Folder – Queues for convenience).
  6. Click OK.

To edit an existing Wrapup Folder-

  1. Double click on your selection on the right side of the screen.
    The screen below displays. 

    Screenshot Template

  2. Make amendments as required.
  3. Ensure you have entered the Folder you require in the Queue Properties for this to activate.

Note: If you are creating Wrapup folders for Queues, you should ensure that the Parent Folder is Queue.

See Also


Wrap-up Codes

IPFX Directory Sync

This feature only available if an IPFX Directory Sync module is purchased.