Step 4. Complete the AddSect WebRoutine
WAM050 – A Section Maintenance Application
1. Your AddSect WebRoutine will handle the initial call from the Begin web page in iiiSecMaint and the call from the Save button' on the AddSect web page itself.
Create your logic for WebRoutine AddSect based on the following pseudo code:
- * when called from Begin WebRoutine
- When = N
- Change DEPTMENT to DEPT_IN (value passed in from iiiSecMaint)
- Change SECTION to *null (value is passed in from iiiSecMaint)
- * when Save button clicked
- When = A
- Change DEPTMENT to DEPT_IN (the input value on the web page)
- Insert to Section file
- If Status is *OKAY
- Output message
- Change STDRENTRY to L
- Transfer to WebRoutine iiiSecMaint.Begin
- Endif
- Endcase
Your completed RDMLX code should look like the following:
Function Options(*DIRECT)
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WAM) Layoutweblet('iiilay01')
Define Field(#dept_in) Reffld(#deptment)
Web_Map For(*BOTH) Fields((#STDRENTRY *HIDDEN))
WebRoutine Name(ADDSECT) Desc('ADD SECTION')
Web_Map For(*BOTH) Fields(#dept_in #SECT_DETL)
Case Of_Field(#STDRENTRY)
* New button clicked in iiiSecMaint
When (= N)
#deptment := #dept_in
* Add button clicked
When (= A)
#deptment := #dept_in
Insert Fields(#SECT_DETL) To_File(SECTAB) Val_Error(*NEXT)
If_Status Is(*OKAY)
Message Msgtxt('Section successfully added')
#stdrentry := L
Transfer Toroutine(#iiiSecMaint.BEGIN)
2. Compile your WAM and open in the Design view. It should look like the following:
3. If necessary change the Department Code to an input field. Drop an AutoComplete weblet onto the department field value. Set up the weblet properties based on:
Note that the AutoComplete weblet is calling the response WebRoutine you created in WAM iiiSecMaint.
4. The Section field should be an input field, change it if necessary.
5. Add a row to the bottom of the table and add a push button with image to the right hand cell. Make the cell right align. Set up the push button properties as shown:
6. Save these changes. Your completed AddSect page should look like the following: