Step 3 Create the ReentryTest WebRoutine


Step 3. Create the ReentryTest WebRoutine

WAM005 - Create Your First WAM

In this step, you will use the LANSA Editor to create the code for a new WebRoutine that will give you an understanding of Weblets and re-entrant programming. You will use a WEB_MAP statement to specify the fields that are passed in and out of the WebRoutine. Your initial code should look like the following:

Function Options(*DIRECT)

Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WAM)




1.  Immediately following the BEGIN_COM, insert the following RDMLX code to create a WebRoutine named ReentryTest:

WebRoutineebroutine Name(ReentryTest) Desc('Test WAM')



2.  This WebRoutine will require three fields that are both incoming and outgoing.

a.  STDRENTRY will be used to control the functionality of the WebRoutine each time it is called.

b.  GIVENAME and SURNAME are to demonstrate the different display modes for fields on the page.

c.  Add the following WEB_MAP statement to the WebRoutine:

Web_Map For(*BOTH) Fields((#Givename *input) (#Surname *output) (#Stdrentry *hidden)) 

  • The STDRENTRY field will be used to identify the execution state.
  • The STDRENTRY field is qualified as hidden so as not to be visible on the page.
  • The GIVENAME field will accept input.
  • The SURNAME field will be output only.

3.  Set up a CASE loop using the field STDRENTRY to display different messages.

Case Of_Field(#Stdrentry)

When Value_Is(= A)

Message Msgtxt('Push Button was pressed')

When Value_Is(= B)

Message Msgtxt('Hyperlink was clicked')

When Value_Is(= C)

Message Msgtxt('Check Box was changed')

When Value_Is(= D)

Message Msgtxt('Radio Button was selected')

When Value_Is(= E)

Message Msgtxt('Dropdown was changed')


Message Msgtxt('Page loaded normally')


4.  Set GIVENAME and SURNAME to your name.

#Givename := 'your first name'

#Surname := 'your last name' 

     Your finished WebRoutine should appear as follows:

Webroutine Name(ReentryTest) Desc('Test WAM')

Web_Map For(*BOTH) Fields((#Givename *input) (#Surname *output) (#Stdrentry *hidden))

Case Of_Field(#Stdrentry)

When Value_Is(= A)

Message Msgtxt('Push Button was pressed')

When Value_Is(= B)

Message Msgtxt('Hyperlink was clicked')

When Value_Is(= C)

Message Msgtxt('Check Box was changed')

When Value_Is(= D)

Message Msgtxt('Radio Button was selected')

When Value_Is(= E)

Message Msgtxt('Dropdown was changed')


Message Msgtxt('Page loaded normally')


#Givename := 'your first name'

#Surname := 'your last name'
