Use Zero Point For Calibration Curve (Off-Peak Elements Only)

EPMA Xtreme Probe

Use Zero Point For Calibration Curve (Off-Peak Elements Only)

This analysis option is only applicable when using the  Calibration Curve (multi-standard) option in the ZAF, Phi-Rho-Z, Alpha Factor and Calibration Curve Selections dialog. This option forces the program to utilize a synthetic zero intensity zero concentration data point for off-peak intensity data calibration curve calculations. It allows the use of a single standard for calibration curve calculations.


If this option is checked then the program will add an additional data point to the calibration curve fit of value 0,0. That is, zero counts and zero concentration. This option only applies to elements that have been acquired using off-peak backgrounds.


This option may be useful if some of the analyzed elements in the run have not been entered in the standard database with a concentration of zero and the user wishes to have the zero concentration data point included in the calibration curve fit.