Start Wavescan

EPMA Xtreme Probe


Probe Window Details > Acquire!

Start Wavescan

If the current sample is designated as a wavescan sample, then clicking this button opens the Wavescan Acquisition window and automatically starts a wavescan sample acquisition.

All elements in the wavescan sample will be scanned, even if more than one element is on a spectrometer. This provides an easy method to scan all elements in a quantitative sample for off-peak interferences and optimal background offset positions.

During the acquisition the wavescan graph may be viewed in greater detail, simply click the wavescan graph to toggle the display size. The wavescan window contains fields to display the mouse cursor position in spectrometer, angstrom and count units. In addition, options for loading the NIST x-ray database window based on the x-ray range of the wavescan graph clicked and a button to save the graph data to an ASCII file are available.


Note that angstrom values in the x-ray database list with Bragg reflection orders higher than one (Roman Numeral "I") are NOT corrected for refraction index corrections. However, KLM markers displayed in the Graph Data wavescan plot dialog are corrected using the equation A' = A * (1 - (K - (K / N^2))) where A is the uncorrected angstrom position, K is the refractive index from the CRYSTALS.DAT file and N is the Bragg reflection order.

Once the wavescan has been acquired, the user can view the off-peak interferences, by using the Plot! window to display the wavescan sample graphically.

Note that the current sample must be a wavescan sample without any data already acquired. To start a new manual wavescan sample use the New Sample button from the Acquire! window.