Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) Element Corrections

EPMA Xtreme Probe


Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) Element Corrections

Lane, Stephen J. and Dalton, John A. (1994) Electron microprobe analysis of geological carbonates. American Mineralogist, 79, 745-749.


Lineweaver, J.L. (1963) Oxygen outgassing caused by electron bombardment of glass. J. Appl. Phys., 34, 1786-1791.


Piccoli P. and Candela, P. (1994) Apatite in felsic rocks: a model for the estimation of initial halogen concentrations in the Bishop Tuff and Tuolumne intrusive suite magmas, Am J. of Science, 294, 92-135. Appendix has a good discussion of Cl and F analysis and problems related to that.


Stormer, John C. Jr., Pierson, Milton L. and Tacker, Robert C. (1993) Variation of F and Cl X-ray intensity due to anisotropic diffusion in apatite during electron microprobe analysis, Am. Min, 78, 641-648


Stormer, John C. Jr., and Pierson, Milton L. (1995) Variation of F and Cl X-ray intensity and electron microprobe analysis of apatite: An addendum, Unpublished manuscript (3 pages)


Miotello and Mazzoldi. (1982) Numerical analysis of field assisted sodium migration in electron irradiated glasses, J. Phys. C: Solid State Physics, 15, 5615-5621.


Morgan, G.B. and London, D. (1996) Optimizing the electron microprobe of hydrous alkali aluminosilicate glasses, American Mineralogist, 81, 1176-1185.


Nielsen, C.H. and Sigurdsson, H. (1981)  Quantitative methods for electron microprobe analysis of sodium in natural and synthetic glasses, Am. Min., 66, 547-552.


Spray, J. G. and Rae, D. A. (1995) Quantitative electron-microprobe analysis of alkali silicate glasses: a review and user guide. Canadian Min., 33, 323-332.


Walker and Howitt (1989) Field induced migration of sodium in soda-silicate glasses during scanning electron microscopy, Scanning, 11, 5-11.