Standard and s Easily Run Under Identical Conditions

EPMA Xtreme Probe


Standard and Unknowns Easily Run Under Identical Conditions

For example, if in a particular run you are analyzing for Si, Al, Na and K, then by default, Probe for EPMA can acquire data for all four elements on each standard. This means that even if a standard is only used to calibrate Si, the x-ray count data for the other three elements, Al, Na, and K can also be acquired on that standard. Measuring all samples in the same manner under the same conditions can eliminate errors that may be introduced in the analysis from beam and sample interactions, especially when beam charge buildup, carbon buildup or Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) element effects are present in the samples.

Although the time needed to acquire standard data is not any longer for this method when the analysis is measuring only one element on each spectrometer, it is true that acquiring more than one element on a spectrometer will increase the time required for standard calibration. This might be considered a small price to pay for the increased accuracy and flexibility of measuring both standards and unknown for the same elements. However, to save time, Probe for EPMA does allow the acquisition of "quick" standards for those standards used in the primary calibration. Note that acquisition of these "quick" standards will restrict the use of some of the unique analysis features discussed below.