Multiple Setups

EPMA Xtreme Probe


Probe Window Details > Automate!

Multiple Setups

This button is used to assign multiple sample setups to current or newly created digitized position samples. All considerations for Samples Setups apply for Multiple Setups (see Sample Setups above). To create sample setups for digitizing position samples, use the "Elements/Cations" button in the Analyze! Window.


This procedure is affected by the state of the "Combine Multiple Sample Setups" checkbox in the Automation Options frame. If this checkbox is not checked, then a separate sample, based on each multiple setup, will be acquired for each position sample. This is particularly useful for situations where the same elements need to be measured several times with different operating voltages, for example, in thin film analysis, when it is necessary to acquire different voltages on the sample position. Here one would specify two or more sample setups that have the same elements but different kilovolt operating conditions.


If the checkbox is checked, then all specified multiple setups will be combined into a single combined condition sample for the position sample, and the software will adjust the column condition as necessary to acquire the elements. When more than one sample setup is specified by the user, the automation routine will acquire the position sample for each sample setup that is specified. This is useful in several situations, for example, when performing major and trace element acquisition it may be desired to acquire the major elements at one set of sample conditions and the trace elements using a sample setup with different sample conditions (kilovolts, beam current, etc.).


In the former case of major and trace element analysis, each sample setup acquired will create a different analytical sample. To combine the elements into a single sample for quantitative analysis, simply select all the samples that are to be combined and click the "Analyze Selected Samples (Combined)" button in the Analyze! Window.