Summary of Analysis Printout
TYPE: Element type (ANAL=analyzed, DIFF=by difference, STOI=by stoichiometry to oxygen, RELA=by stoichiometry relative to another element, CALC=oxygen by stoichiometry, EDS=specified concentration from EDS system, SPEC=specified as a fixed concentration
BGDS: Background type. INT=integrated intensity, LIN=linear interpolation, AVG=averaged, EDS=measured by EDS, HIGH=high off-peak only, LOW=low off-peak only, EXP=exponential fit, S-HI=slope from high off-peak, S-LO=slope from low off-peak, POLY=polynomial fit, MAN-mean atomic number fit model
ABS%: Percent continuum absorption correction (MAN backgrounds only)
TIME: Count time in seconds (average of all lines)
BEAM: Beam current in beam current units (usually nA) (if Aggregate mode it is the average of all lines and duplicate elements because detection limits are calculated based on average count time and beam current of all duplicate elements)
AGGR: Total number of aggregate (duplicate element) channels combined if using Aggregate Intensity option.
ELEM: Element symbol (if followed by a "-D" the quantitation is disabled)
AVER: Average
SDEV: Standard deviation
SERR: Standard error
%RSD: Relative percent standard deviation (SDEV/AVER * 100)
PUBL: Published concentration from STANDARD.MDB database. (n.a.=not analyzed)
%VAR: Percent variance from the "published" value
DIFF: Algebraic difference from the "published" value
STDS: Standard number assignment (primary standard for this element)
STKF: Standard K-factor
STBE: Standard "beta-factor" (Bence-Albee correction only)
STCT: Standard count net intensity count rate (Peak–Bkg)
UNKF: Unknown K-factor
UNBE: Unknown "beta-factor" (Bence-Albee correction only)
UNCT: Unknown count net intensity rate (Peak-Bkg)
UNBG: Unknown background count rate
ZCOR: ZAF correction factor (matrix correction)
KRAW: Raw k-ratio (unknown counts/standard counts) corrected for all parameters (background, interferences, etc.)
PKBG: Peak to background ratio
INT%: Percent interference correction
APF: Area peak factor calculated from pure element area peak factors
APF*: Specified area peak factor
TDI%: Percent Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) element correction
DEV%: Percent deviation in Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) element correction fit
TDI#: Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) assignment sample number (self-Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) correction is assigned it's own sample number)
TDIF: Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) fit type (0 = log-linear or exponential, 1 = log-quadratic or hyper-exponential)
TDIT: Total elapsed time for acquisition of the on-peak intensity data
TDII: Zero time intensity intercept in cps/per nominal beam (deadtime and beam drift but not background corrected)
TDIL: Zero time intensity intercept in Log(cps)/per nominal beam (deadtime and beam drift but not background corrected)
BLNK# Blank correction calibration unknown number for trace element background offset
BLNKL Blank correction calibration value (actual level of element in blank- usually zero) in wt%
BLNKV Blank correction measurement value (measured value of blank- should be equal to calibration level)
FIT1: Multi-standard calibration fit coefficients
FIT2: Multi-standard calibration fit coefficients
FIT3: Multi-standard calibration fit coefficients
DEV: Multi-standard calibration fit deviation