Save Custom Analysis Format #9 (P.C.)

EPMA Xtreme Probe


Probe Menu Details > Output

Save Custom Analysis Format #9 (P.C.)

This menu (P.C. format) will create an output file of standard or unknown atomic, elemental and oxide weight percents, along with single point detection and analytical sensitivity and raw k-ratios, count times, beam current and x, y, z coordinates and relative distance in microns.


It will also output the formula atoms (based on the sum of 8 cations if no element basis is specified) and mineral end-members if they are specified by the user in the Calculation Options dialog (from the Analyze! window).


SAMPLE      Sample name (in double quotes)

LINE        Line number

El (O2)     Oxide weight percent

El WT%      Elemental weight percent

TOTAL       Total weight percent

DAT/TIM     Acquisition date and time in system defined format

X-POS       X stage position

Y-POS       Y stage position

Z-POS       Z stage position

RELDIST     Relative distance (in microns)

BEAMCUR     Beam or probe current (in nA) (array if combined conditions sample)

ABSBCUR     Sample or absorbed current (in nA)

El AT%      Atomic percent

FORMULA     Formula basis (number of atoms)

BASIS       Formula element basis (if blank, then uses sum of 8 cations)

El FORMULA  Formula atoms

MINERAL     Mineral end-member string if specified (one of the following):

Olivine (Fo,Fa)

Feldspar (Ab,An,Or)

Pyroxene (Wo,En,Fs)

Garnet (Gro,Pyr,Alm,Sp)

Garnet (Gro,And,Uva)

END-MEMBER1 Mineral end-member abundance (%) (blank if not specified)

END-MEMBER2 Mineral end-member abundance (%) (blank if not specified)

END-MEMBER3 Mineral end-member abundance (%) (blank if not specified)

END-MEMBER4 Mineral end-member abundance (%) (blank if not specified)


El CDL99    Detection limit in elemental weight percent at 99% confidence

El %ERR     Analytical error in relative percent (one sigma)

El ONTIM    On-peak counting time

El HITIM    High off-peak counting time

El LOTIM    Low off-peak counting time

El K-RAW    Elemental raw k-ratio (unk counts/standard counts)


STD_NUM     Primary standard assignment number

STD_NAM     Primary standard assignment name


This file format was specified by Paul Carpenter at the NASA Marshall Flight Center and cannot be modified for other applications. This is the only output format in PROBE that will export the mineral end-member fields.